Part 2

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Okay, heres Part 2. Sorry it's been a while. I'll update more often:)



"What's next?" Mark asked as we walked out into the hall.

"Geometry." I said, doing the combination to my locker.

"I don't think we need our books." Tyler said, guessing my questioning look into my locker.

"Good. I hate carrying that damn book." I close my locker and turn to the two boys that were staring at me. "Uh..guys. C'mon." I motioned to the hallway. They snapped out of their transe and started walking. I just smirked at them, and followed. But halfway down the hallway, I tripped.

"Freak!" I heard Shelby's voice say.

"Bitch.." I mumbled while trying to get on my feet. A pair of hands lifted me, and set me on my feet. I looked up to see Mark glaring at Shelby next to me.

"Shelby, what did Jane do?" Tyler growled.

"Nothing, cutie. I just thought Jane could use some action in her pathetic, boring life." She answered, her fingers trailing up Tyler's chest, her blood red hair falling in her face. Shelby was a normal barbie girl, just with red hair.

Tyler removed Shelby's hand from his chest, and lightly grabbed my arm, pulling me into the classroom. "C'mon Jane." Once we were inside the room, Tyler pulled me to the second to last row of seats and sat down. I took a seat next to him. Tyler then turned to me. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." I said.

"She is such a..." Tyler struggled to find words to describe Shelby.

"Bitch." I stated.

"Perfect word." Mark said, taking the seat behind me.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Talking to the bitch. Don't worry about it."

"What did you say?" Tyler asked now.

"Didn't I just say not to worry about it?"

What the hell could he be hiding? It's obviously a big deal if he wasnt telling anyone. But I just might be over reacting...

I felt a tug at my hair just as Mr. Walters, our old, gray haired, purple boy tie wearing teacher walked through the door. He wears that stupid purple bow tie everywhere he goes. I saw him at Burger King one time, and he was wearing a normal t-shirt with jeans, and he still wore that damn bow tie.

"What?" I hissed behind me.

"I'm just playing with your hair." Mark whispered.

"Can you stop?"



Class went along, and all through the hour Mark kept playing with my hair. I couldn't argue, no matter what, he would just keep twisting a lock of my hair around his long pale fingers. So what's the point in saying anything?


I was about to get up when I felt hands on my shoulders.

"Mark let me up." I sighed.

"Not a chance." He whispered in my ear, giving me goosebumps.

"See you guys at-" Tyler looked over at us. "Mark let her go." He laughed.

"Go on, Tyler. I can walk her to class." Mark said, I could sence the smirk in his voice.

"Uh..Okay, I guess. See you guys at lunch." Tyler gave a small wave, I smiled back at him, and he left the room.

"So, why can't I get up?" I asked Mark.

"'Cause. I want to give you a ride to class."

"A ride?"

"Yeah. Get on back."

"Mark. I'll walk. My feet aren't broken." I shook his hands off my shoulders and started towards the door. But suddenly I walked into someones chest. I looked up at the blue eyes of Mark.

"Your not leaving this room until your on my back." He said matter of factly.

"Why?! It's un needed! I can walk!"

"C'mon, Jane. I just want to give you a ride to class." He gave me puppy dog eyes. One thing you should know about me...I can never resist puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I grumbled, walking over to a desk and standing on a chair. I waited for Mark.

He smild and walked over. Turning around so his back was facing me. I wrapped my arms just below his neck so I wasn't choking him, then did a small jump to wrap my legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms under my knees and started walking out the door to the crowded hallways.

"Drop me, you'll never see day light again. Got it?" I warned.

"I wouldn't dare drop you, Jane." He told me as we walked further down the hallway. The further we went, the more glares I got from girls.

"Where's our Language Arts class again?" He asked after a few minutes.

"That class right there." I pointed to a door right down the hall.

"Easy enough." Mark started walking towards the door.

"So, why exactly did you want to give me a piggy back ride to class?" I asked.

"So I could carry you."

"Why do you want to carry me?"

"I think your cute." He turned his head so I could see the smile on his face.

I scoffed, but hid my blush.

"Ms. Charity." Mr. Mike said with a nod and a friendly smile.

"Hey, Mr. Mike." I laughed and Mark walked to the back of the classroom. As we were walking to the back, I got glares from every single gir in the classroom.

Mark removed his arms from my legs, and I jumped off his back. "Have fun?" He asked.

"Yes, actually." I took a seat, and Mark sat next to me.

"Good. I had fun carrying you." He laughed. I smiled at him.

Mark suddenly took my hand under the table. I looked at our hands then at MAr.

"This okay?" He asked, pointing at out hands and a smile on his face.

"Uh...fine." I looked at our hands again, just trying to hide my blush.

"You look really cute when you blush." Mark told me. I blushed again.


"Class has begun! Independant work! Ipods allowd. But you should be working on the study packets from yesterday. The test is next week." Mr. Mike said. The class pulled out the packets, and Mr. Mike walked over to Mark and I. He handed Mark a packet.

"They got this yesterday, like I said, but if you need any help or get stuck ask me or the people around you." With that, Mr. Mike walked back to his very highly organized desk.

"Nice teacher." Mark laughed.

"My favorite teacher. He's cool." I told him.

"I see why. He just leaved you guys to work."

"Yup." Mark squeezed my hand. I looked up at him. He was staring into my eyes.

"I like you, Jane." He whispered.


With that, you might hate me...but I doubt it:) I'll upload soon. And as for my other story...I talked to my cousin (she has my story book) she said she will update today:D

Comment, Vote. Do what you do! Hope you enjoyed:)

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