Part 10

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Hello. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Pretty...Dang...Cute...Welp! Enjoy my friends!


"Wow." Ryan said.

"Incredible." Cara whispered.

"Keeper?" I asked, smoothing the purple top down.

"Total keeper." Ryan smiled.

"Put it back, I just might kill you." Cara threatened.

"So, wear this tonight?" I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Yes." Cara squealed.

"Uh, oh..." Ryan muttered.

"Shit! How much longer 'till we have to be at Jane's house?"Cara gasped.

"Ten minutes..." Ryan looked at me with guilty eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Miss! We'll take this to go!" Cara yelled, pointing at me, well, my outfit.

"Ryan, what's the fire?"

"You're gonna be late for your date. It's five fifty." He answered, walking into my dressing room, gathering my cloths and tossing them to me.

"You guys made me late!" I yelled.

"Not technicallly." Cara said, paying the cashier.

"Cara, we have a five minute drive, not including traffic." Ryan said.

"Thanks." Cara said to the cashier and grabbed my arm and tugged me out of the store.

A group of guys walking by started checking me out and doing wolf calls.

"Ew." I said.

"Sorry boys! She's taken!" Cara yelled, laughing.

"By?" One of the boys asked.

"My boyfriend." I growled.

"Oh, I like 'em fiesty." The guy winked at me.

"Get a life man whore."

"Come on, Jane. You're already late. Text, Eli." Ryan put an arm around me, pulling me towards the front doors of the mall.

"Dammit." I pulled out my phone, and texted my amazing boyfriend, telling him I was going to be late.

A few minutes later I got a text from Eli.

It read: okay, can't wait to see you ;)

I smiled to myself while Cara and Ryan argued about which road will take us to my house the fastest.


Ten minutes later Ryan pulled up to my house. Eli was sitting on the front of my porch.

"Quick! Let me out!" I screamed from the back seat.

Cara laughed and got out. I saw Eli's eyes light up, then dull when they landed on Cara.

"Where's my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Nice to see you too, Eli." Cara said. "Jane?" She motioned for me to get out of the car.

I quickly got out. I stood up straight and smoothed out my black denim skirt, that went to my mid thigh. I looked down at my dark purple tank top, and black heels. I then looked up to meet Eli's green eye's.

"Hi, Eli." I smiled.

" look stunning."

I blushed, then looked down at my feet.

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