Part 17

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has every read this story. :D

Yahona!! I had to switch the chapter around a LOT from what I written. I hope you guys like it:)


"Here's the popcorn." I said, handing Eli the bowl and sitting next to him.

"Thank you, JJ." He kissed my temple, then put an arm around me.

A crack of thunder went through the sky, and I jumped a foot in the air.

Eli started to laugh. "Scared, babe?"

"Just put in the movie." I grumbled.

He smiled, then got up and put the movie in. "So, you love Freddy vs. Jason?" Eli sat down next to me again, and I cuddled into his side.

"Yup. But, Jason is my favorite."

"Please! Freddy is bad ass."

I scoffed, then moved into his lap. Eli's arms went around me, and I rested my head in the nape of his neck. "Jason is better." I whispered.

"Okay, JJ." He chuckled.

The front door crashed open, just as another crack of thunder went through the sky. I screamed bloody murder, until a hand clamped over my mouth, and the lights turned on.

There stood a soaking wet Blake with his hand on the light switch. "Hey, guys." He smiled, then walked over to us.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Eli gasped.

"What do you mean?" Blake took off his rain coat, and sat down on the couch next to Eli and I.

"Did you not hear Jane scream?"

"Yeah. I think she might have blown me ear drum."

"nfclksafakgejdkshglrjg." I said through Eli's hand.

"What?" Blake asked.

"Oops." Eli removed his hand. "Sorry, JJ."

"What the hell are you doing here, Blake?" He ruined my Eli time.


"What?" Eli said.

"Party! Shelby's. Let's go."

A rumble went through the sky, and the rain seemed to be pelting the roof harder.

"Yeah, 'cause a party sounds nice during a thunderstorm." I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon, Jane!" Blake whined.

"Make Eli go." Wait... "No! Don't make him go. We're not going." I wrapped my arms around my fiance's neck, making sure he couldn't move.

"Jane, c'mon! Live a little! Let your man out for the night. It wont hurt him."

"Dude, you know damn well that I don't go anywhere without Jane." Eli pointed out.

I smiled in success.

"Dammit..." Blake pouted and crossed his arms like a six year old.

"Blake, we just want to hang out during the storm." Eli sighed.

"Yeah, I understand." He said, a pout on his lips.

"Eli! The Royal Wedding is on! Let's watch it!" I cheered.

Both of the boys moaned in annoyance. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote.


"This thing is taking forever!" Blake whined, throwing his arms in the air.

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