Part 33

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Second upload of today!!!


The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock.

Great. School.

I removed the covers from my body, and went to the bathroom.

My eyes were red and puffy, and my hair looked like a mess.

I sighed and fixed my face, covering up the red, puffy eyes, and brushing my hair, along with my teeth. I then went back to my room and picked out a plain white t shirt, some black skinny jeans, a baggy gray hoodie, and some converse.

I dragged my feet to the kitchen and grabbed an apple, along with my bag and headed out to school.

As I got to my neighbors house, I saw Eli getting into his jeep. Once he saw me he stopped the car, and stared at me from the rearview mirror.

A single tear ran down my face, and I wiped it away quickly, and started walking again.


The walk was quiet. I missed Eli talking about our plans for after schoool.

I walked up the steps to the school, and put my hood up, trying to dissapear from the eyes of the students.

"Hey, Jane." Tyler greeted walking up to me.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Where's Eli? I never see you two apart."

"We broke up."

"Serious?!" He smiled, and wrapped me in a quick hug. "That mean, I can ask you out?"

"Tyler. we broke up yesterday."


"So leave me alone. It was your stupid kiss that ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Just admit you loved it, Jane." He whispered in my ear.

I quickly shoved him away from me, and stormed off to my first class.

I wlaked in and saw an empty seat in the back, so I took my seat.

Mark walked in next, and took the opportunity of the free seat next to me.

"Where's your little boy toy?"

As if on ce, Eli walked in, and spotted Mark sitting next to me. His brilliant green eyes got cold. He was about to take a step towards us, but went to go sit across the classroom.

"What was that about?"

"We broke up." I said sadly.

"Oh, cool." His strong hands suddenly grabbed my face, and pulled my lips to his.

My eyes widened, and I shoved him off me, my blood boiling.

"Do that again, and you can guarantee that you won't live long enough to see the age of eighteen."

"You'll warm up to me, babe." Mark smiled, then put an arm around the back of my chair.

I pulled my hood up, and looked over at Eli. He was looking at Mark with a death glare, and then moved his green eyes over to me. They were filled with sadness and hurt.

Guilt washed over me, and I turned to the front of the classroom.


The morning went like that. Each time Eli looked at me like that, it hurt even more.

Lunch soon rolled around, and I had no clue were to sit.

"Jane!" Cara's voice called.

I looked behind me and saw her and Ryan running up to me.

Cara pulled me into a hug. "Did you talk to him yet?"

I shook my head.

"Why not?! Jane! You need to tell him you're sorry!"

"Look, I'm just going to go eat my lunch, and have my own personal pity party, okay?"

Cara looked at me sadly before nodding and heading off to the stairs.

I went on like that for two more days before I couldn't take it anymore.

Tyler's over friendly hugs, and Mark hitting on me, and Eli giving me sad glances.

It was driving me crazy!

I made my way outside the side of the school, and walked over to the railing.

I climbed onto the railing at the side of the school, and looked down. I was at least two stories up.

The whole break up, and everything has me on edge.

I fell like my life doesn't mean anything anymore, and that I should just end it.

That's why I'm here now. It might be crazy, but without Eli, I don't know what to do anymore.

A few students walked by and saw me. Then they ran into the school.

I hope they don't tell anyone...Hell, they're going to tell someone.

Shit. Better get this over with.

I climbed over the railing, so nothing was in my way.

I saw a figure run out and look up at me.

"Jane!" Tyler's voice. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"What the hell does it look like?!"

"You don't want to do this, Jane!" Tyler yelled form below.

"Yes I do! Nothing I do is good enough!" I yelled back.

"Everything you do is good enough for me!" Mark yelled, walking up next to Tyler.


"Jane don't do it!" Eli said from behind me, which scared me.

"Gah!" I then fell backwards, and began to fall.

Everything went in slow motion. I looked up at Eli and saw that he was yelling something at Tyler and Mark below.

My hair was flying all over the place and I felt like a rag doll.

You'd think that this would be fast...This has to be the slowest drop I've ever encountered in my life.

I felt hands under me, but I was still falling. My head hit what I assumed was the cement, and I blacked out.


Okay!! I am super excited right now!! ONE chapter left PLUS the epilogue!!!

:D -FallenTorment16

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