1. Kendall

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Lifeguard Blake is not involved in this. You'll understand at chapter 9.

Chapter 1: Kendall

Hoppo's P.O.V

I walked up the steps to the tower. I opened the door and walked inside, Troy, Jesse, Maxi and Kerrbox were inside. I walked into the main bit and leant against the stair rail.

"Who said they were going to have the transfer stay with them?" I asked.

"Troy and I" Jesse said.

"She's arriving at the airport in four hours, you two go home and sort things out. You need to collect her at 5. Then bring her here to meet everyone" I said. They nodded and gathered all of their things.

Jesse's P.O.V

Once Gonzo and I had gathered all of our things we said goodbye to the boys and left the tower. We walked to my car and I got in the divers seat while Gonzo got into the passenger seat.

"Mate do you know anything about this person?" Troy asked.

"Uh, Her name is Kendall Blake and that's about all I know" I replied.

"This'll be fun, finding her at the airport, we don't know what she looks like and she doesn't know us" Troy laughed.

"We'll hold a piece of paper with her name on it" I smiled. He nodded and we arrived home.

He showered first while I made some lunch. After I had finished eating lunch I went in the shower. I washed my hair and when I was done I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with some trainers. I brushed my hair in its normal parting and grabbed my snapback with my sunglasses and went downstairs.

"You ready for the hours drive to the airport?" I asked Troy.

"Yeah, can't wait" he replied sarcastically. I laughed and we both left the house, getting back into my car.

Lets be honest. The car journey was great. We were singing and dancing and acting out songs as they came onto the radio. It was a proper laugh and the hour just seemed to fly by. I grabbed a piece of paper from the back and grabbed the red sharpie. I leant on the dashboard and wrote the sign.

Kendall's P.O.V

"We have landed here in Sydney, hope you've had a lovely flight and enjoy the rest of your day" The captain said over the intercom. I stood up and grabbed my rucksack from the overhead compartment. It was hot here in Australia, definitely hot compared to the typical British weather I was used to.

I left the plane and went through to the baggage claim area. I waited by the conveyor belt and when my bright red hard suitcase came I stepped forward and grabbed it. I put my rucksack onto my back and pulled the handle up on the suitcase and dragged it behind me through to the arrival lounge. Hoppo had emailed me a day before I left and said that two guys were going to be here to pick me up. They would be the people I would be staying with, yet I have no idea who they were.

As I entered the arrival lounge I looked around me. I saw a white piece of paper with red writing on it. I looked at it and read the writing.

We're here to collect Kendall Blake.

I smiled and walked over to them. They were looking around at all of these people, I guess they didn't know who I was either.

"Hi" I said, standing in front of them and smiled. "I'm Kendall" I replied.

"Ah nice to meet you, I'm Jesse" The one with dark hair said.

"Wait how do we know you are the real Kendall?" The other one asked.

"Seriously Gonz?" Jesse asked him.

I laughed and grabbed my passport from my pocket. I opened it to my page and showed him.

"Right, sorry. I'm Gonzo, I meant Troy" He said. "Either is fine"

"At work, as lifeguards we all have nicknames. His real name is Troy but is called Gonzo at work. At work I'm still Jesse, or Jess" Jesse explained.

"Right okay" I smiled.

"Shall we get going?" Troy asked. I nodded and followed them to their car. I put my rucksack into the boot while Jesse lifted me suitcase. I got into the backseat and we drove to wherever these boys lived.

"We're literally dropping your stuff off. Hoppo wants you to meet everyone at the beach tonight so that you're ready for work tomorrow" Jesse said.

"Awesome" I smiled. I took my rucksack while Troy had the suitcase. Jesse lead me to the room that I would be staying in.

"Right, lets get going" Jess said. I nodded and we walked down to the beach. We went up into the tower.

"Hoppo, we have Kendall" Jesse said, A man that looked much older than Troy and Jess stood up.

"Hi Kendall, I'm Hoppo, head lifeguard here" He said.

"Hello" I smiled.

"I'm Maxi!" Another youngish looking boy said rather energetically.

"Hey, Kendall" I replied.

"This is Andrey, know as Reidy" Gonzo added. I nodded and waved.

Once I had met everyone who was on duty that day we ended up back in the tower.

"Here are a top, hoodie, board shorts and a bikini top" Hoppo said smiling,

"Thanks" I relied, taking them from him.

"Tomorrow you have to be here by 8, though you'll come with these two. You'll be on tower all day as jetlag will probably take effect" Hoppo said. I nodded. Jesse, Gonzo and I said goodbyes before leaving, and heading back to the house.....

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