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Chapter 35. Focus

I shut the front door, and left the house. Koby had told me that the waves at Maroubra were pretty solid, maybe 8 to 10 foot high. I had agreed to go surfing with him, so I grabbed my surfboard and put it in the back of Troy's car. He said I could use it as he was just chilling at home for the day. I got into the drivers seat and drove down to Maroubra. Once I was there I took my surfboard and went down onto the beach where Koby was waiting for me.
"Hey" Koby smiled.
"Hello" I replied,
"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and we headed into the water. We paddled out quite far and waited for the wave.
"Go for this one!" He yelled. I looked at the wave that was about to come and it looked pretty decent. I paddled, and slowly stood up once I was on the wave. It felt great to be surfing solid waves, we never get waves like this back in England. I looked behind me to see Koby riding a different wave. I slowly got down back onto the board so that I was sat on it. The wave had gone and it was great fun.
All of a sudden my board tipped, causing me to fall in the ocean. I thought that it was fine, I mean you would expect things like that to happen in the ocean right? I resurfaced, ready to get back on my board when I saw Trev, along with a few of his mates. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back under the water, I choked as I didn't have time to take a breath, I resurfaced again, preparing to be dunked back under. I took another breath when something pulled at my feet. I looked, but no one was there, though Trev was still in front of me. Out of nowhere Trev shoved me back under, though I had taken a breath. I felt like I was in a never ending cycle of being dunked under and resurfacing. It was as if every time I resurfaced, he pushed me back under.
Though this time, I never resurfaced. There was a sudden weight put on me, I struggled, thrashing around trying to resurface as I was running out of breath but nothing happened. The weight just got heavier and heavier, it was no use. I then suddenly got lifted back up.
"oh look" Trev smirked, pointing to the beach. I looked, to see Koby packing up his stuff. "Even he didn't bother to come. Why? Because no one cares!" He yelled, shoving me back under and the heavy weight resumed.
I then felt like I was floating. Was I dead? Had Trev killed me? The scene suddenly changed to Bondi beach. The boys were all working, no one noticed I wasn't there, they were all laughing and chatting to one another. It was as if I hadn't even come to Australia and hadn't been working here. Of course Trev was right, no one cared, how was I so blind not to see it in the first place? Then all of a sudden, everything went black.

I awoke suddenly to Riker jumping on top of me. I was crying, my hands covering my face. Riker kept licking my hands, in the way that he was trained to do. I moved my hands and Riker moved himself, so he was definitely on top of me.

"Babe, focus on Riker" I heard Troy say. I took a deep breath, and stroked him. I turned over so that I was laying on my side, facing Troy. There was a gap between me and Troy, Riker came and layed in there, still looking at me and still wanting attention.

"Good boy" Troy said, giving him a treat.

"It's okay, you're safe" Troy said holding my hand. We couldn't really hug as there was a dog in between us.


"Can you wake Jess up for work while I shower?" Troy asked me.

"sure" I replied. I went upstairs, Riker following at my feet. I loved that he followed me literally everywhere I went.

I went into Jesse's room. "Sit" I whispered, Riker sat in the doorway. I went and put a dog treat on Jesse's stomach as he was asleep on his back. I then went over to Riker at the doorway. "go" I whispered. He leapt up and onto Jesse to retrieve his treat. Jesse woke up startled.

"Time to get up for work Jess" I smiled.

"Did you make him do that?" Jesse asked. I nodded. "I'll get you back" He smirked. I just shrugged and went downstairs. I got a bowl out of the cupboard and put some grapes in it. I put strawberry yoghurt on top and then topped it with a crushed weatabix. It was nice actually....

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now