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Chapter 40. What Do You Want To Do Today?

I woke up, and looked around before realising I was in my room in London. It felt weird being here after being in Australia for nearly four months. I looked beside me and saw that Troy was just beginning to wake up and Riker was asleep on the floor by the bed.

"Morning babe" I smiled, looking at him.

"Morning" He replied, wrapping his arms around me.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"What is there to do?" I asked.

"Well we could do the London eye, Madame  tussauds, natural sight seeing, London Dungeons, there is a rollerblading hall near here, we could go on a boat down the thames, all sorts" I smiled.

"Lets do the sight seeing today" He smiled.

I nodded. "Then we should to the London eye tomorrow"

"Then madame tussauds on Wednesday" he said.

"then roller blading Thursday" I smiled.

"then boat trip Saturday" He smiled.

"London dungeons sunday" I added.

 "I also want to see where you used to lifeguard" He said.

"We could do that after sight seeing later on" I said and he nodded. "I'm going to get ready. I wouldn't bother dressing up all nicely, it's only London" I smiled. I grabbed my outfit and went to the bathroom to get changed.

I put on a pair of jeans, a grey top and a coloured scarf with a blue pair of toms. I liked this outfit. I then stood in front of the mirror as I proceeded to do my hair. I did two French plaits down either shoulder. I applied a little bit of make up before going into the bedroom to see Troy in a t-shirt, hoodie and jeans.

"You look lovely" He smiled.

"Thanks" I replied and we went downstairs. "Did you want any breakfast?"

"uh, just a coffee will be fine" He said. I nodded and made two before putting them on the table.

Once we were all ready I attached Riker to his lead. We left the house and got a taxi further into London, where all of the main sight seeing attractions were. I paid the driver as we got out and stood in central London, right by the London eye.

"Woah" Troy said, looking around.

"This is central London" I smiled. "That's the London eye which we are doing tomorrow. London dungeons are just down there" I explained, pointing in different directions.

"The London is so tall" He said in aw.

"wait until you're inside it" I smiled.

"Anyway, this is big ben, it's the main clock tower of London. Right next to it are the houses of parliament where all the political people have their arguments" I said.

"then, if you come with me, we'll go to Trafalgar square" I smiled. He nodded and we walked down the path. I was holding his hand with my left hand and Riker's lead with my right hand.

"London is so busy" He said, looking around at the crowds.

"yup" I chuckled.

"What are they doing?" He said, pointing to a group of Jamaican dancers.

"There are street performers all over London" I said.

"ah okay" He smiled as we approached Trafalgar square.

"This is cool" He said,

"Yeah, just don't climb on the lions, you get shouted at by the security guard. That happened to me ages ago" I laughed.

"Seriously?" troy asked. I nodded.

"There weren't any signs that said do not climb on the lion, so I did" I smiled.

"fair enough"

"This is also right near Buckingham palace which is over there" I said.

"What's that" He asked.

"It's where the queen lives. Well sometimes lives, she has houses all round the country" I stated.

"ah right, okay" He smiled.


"You ready to go to the beach that I worked at?" I asked. Troy nodded. We left the house and got into my car. Riker was laying down on the back seat.

It was a twenty five minute drive, before we arrived and I parked the car in the car park.

"this is my little lonely beach" I smiled, as we got out the car.

"It sure is quiet down here" Troy said.

"Troy, the water's probably only 5 degrees, it's winter over here babe" I said.

"It can't be that cold" He said.

"Go and dip your feet in it then" I said. He took his shoes and socks off before running into the water and immediately running back.

"That's bloody freezing" He stated.

"I told you it was cold" I laughed....

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now