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Chapter 31. Determination

I woke up and instantly knew what day it was. Lifeguard Challenge Day. The races would start at 7, after the lifeguard service is done for the day. I was determined to complete this time, even if I didn't win, I wanted to finish the race and not end up in hospital.

I rolled over and saw Troy was still asleep, shirtless, the covers came up to his waist, he had an arm draped over his eyes and his lips were slightly parted, soft breaths escaping them every time he exhaled. I moved so that my arm was draped across his chest, hugging him. He moved his arm (still asleep) so it wrapped around my body, protectively.

"Troy....Babe, you need to wake up. It's time for work" I whispered, poking his cheek a few times.

"Or we could just lay here all day" He said, not moving.

"I wish" I replied and sat up. I went to the bathroom and put my bikini on. I put my shirt and shorts on top before putting my hair into a messy bun. I then popped my head back into Troy's room to make sure he was getting up. He had gone back to sleep.

"Troy you lazy bugga, get up. If I am not allowed to sleep, you aren't either!" Jesse called, standing next to me in the doorway.


I was sat in the rhino up north with Maxi. The water was calm, and there wasn't many rescues that needed doing.

"Kendall!" Someone squealed. I looked and saw Maddie, my best friend from back in England.

"MADDIE!" I squealed and stood up, hugging her.

"Is there something I should know?" Maxi asked, smiling.

"Maxi this is Maddie, my best friend from England. Maddie, this is a good friend and work colleague Maxi" I introduced.

"Hi" she smiled.

"Gurl, there is something you should be telling me. What's all these pictures of you on instagram with the same guy?" She asked.

"My boyfriend" I replied.

"What's his name?" she asked.

"Troy" I replied.

"Can I meet him sometime?" She asked.

"Sure, just go to the buggy in between the flags and ask to speak to Troy" I smiled.

"No, not on my own!" she gasped.

"Okay, one second" I smiled, I grabbed the radio.

"Kendall, to Troy. Look this way and wave please" I said. I saw Troy stand up and he waved. Maddie just sort of screamed.

"We seriously need to meet up and talk" She said.

"Okay, how long you in Australia for?" I asked her.

"I'm living out here with my cousin" she replied.

"Alright, I'll text you tomorrow some time and we'll plan something" I said.

"Okay, have fun" she grinned, hugging me before walking away.

"Man she's fit" Maxi said in aw.

"Aww Maxi has a crush" I smiled, teasing him.

"Kendall, please can you come into the tunnel, we wanna film you talking about stuff" John asked.

"Sure," I smiled, following him.

"alright, first I want you to talk about some of the guys" He said. "As in what they're like, and all sorts"

"Okay" I smiled. He nodded when he was filming.

"It's so much fun working here at Bondi. You've got Maxi, who gets along with everyone, and is an easy target for pratical jokes. Whippet, Jake and Jesse are all like older brothers, easy to get along with, fun to work with, and so on. Deano is great, he teaches you things you didn't know. H is a nice man, though he can get annoying on the magaphone. Reidy is great to get along with, Chappo tries to see the good in everyone, even if they are a bag theif and Terry is like the wizard. Full of knowledge. I think he studied at Hogwarts" I smiled and they stopped filming.

"Great, thats amazing. Viewers will love that. Now will you tell us who you think will win lifeguard challenge and why" He said.

"Sure" I smiled.

"I think Maxi is likely to win this years lifguard race. He puts so much work into it, board paddling practise every lunch break, swimming practise whenever he can, he goes to the gym when he can. He is the one who deserves to win" I smiled.

"Great, that's all we need thanks" John smiled.

"No worries" I replied.


It was time for the lifeguard challenge, Quinn had volunteered to stand at the finish line with my inhaler. He asked me if I wanted to risk it, I said I'd be fine, as long as I had the inhaler at the end it didn't matter.

"In the first handicap, Kendall, Reidy and Yatesy. Go!" Terry called. I began to run round the cones, it was run first, then swim then board paddle for the first heat. Once I had run the running section I dived in the water, currently in fifth place, Deano first, Jesse second, Maxi third and Reidy fourth. I was stronger in swimming and board paddling than running so I should be able to catch up.

I finished the first heat in second place behind Deano, Maxi coming in third and Chappo in fourth. Kobi, Bacon, Yatesy and Robbo were the first four cut. The second heat was a board paddle, run then swim. I was in the second handicap this time, though I caught up with the others fairly quickly. I was literally next to Brad in third place on the swimming, coming fourth overall. I was saving my energy for the final heat. Harries, Troy, Reidy and Tom were the next four to be cut.

The third race was swim run paddle. I was back into the first handi cap up against Brad, Deano, Maxi, Jesse, H, Bisho, Louie and Mouse. It was going to be  tough race.

It began and I ran into the water, and began swimming. I kept reminding myself to pace myself, once I had completed the swim I was in second, behind Maxi. I went into the running, Maxi was a much stronger runner than I was, therefore I remained in second place. On the board paddling he began to tire, so I seized the opportunity to paddle harder than he was. A wave took me in, I was slightly ahead of him now. You could hear the others cheering everyone on the beach. I ditched the board and sprinted up the beach before crossing the line and falling in exhaustion.

Quinn came over and passed me the inhaler. I took a couple of sprays, breathing deeply before passing it back to him. My breathing was better and I didn't feel like I was about to have an attack.

"Well done babe" Troy said, coming up to me.

"Thanks" I smiled.


"This years lifeguard challenge winner is Kendall!" Hoppo announced, passing me a trophy.

"Thanks," I smiled, stepping forward and taking it.

"That means she has bragging rights" Chappo called out.

"watch out guys" I laughed....

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now