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Chapter 45. Surfentag Part 2

I walked in the back door to the tower and put my stuff onto the side. I went up the steps and saw on the rota I was up north alone. Wel, this was going to be a very lonely three hours.

I went onto the beach and jumped onto the Quad bike. Riker jumped on the back and we drove down the beach to my north position. The rips were gentle, nothing too dangerous, though it still looked easy to get swept out.

I tied Riker's lead to the quad bike. He was normally very good and sat by the vehicle I was in at all times, but it was just a safety precaution. I saw someone being swept out, I jumped up and stripped before running into the water. I paddled my hardest and grabbed the boy onto the board. We sat there for a few minutes while he got his breath back before he climbed on and we went back to shore.

"Try and stay between the red and yellow flags" I advised.

"Okay, thank you" He replied and I went back to sit on the quad.

An hour in, there was loads of people on the beach. I had done 20 rescues or so.

"There's someone pretty cut up on flat rock" Reidy said over the radio.

"If someone comes down here I'll go" I offered.

"Sure, Quiggers is coming in the Rhino now" Reidy replied.

When Quiggers got here I drove up onto the prom and along round to flat rock. When I got to the bit where the quad couldnt go any further I grabbed the radio and first aid bag, Riker jumped down and followed me as I walked towards the casualty.

There was a teen boy, laying on the floor his foot rested against a building.

"Hey mate, I'm Kendall one of the lifeguards. What's your name?" I asked.

"Leon" He replied.

"Okay Leon, and how old are you?" I asked.

"17" He replied.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We were stood on the rock, waiting to video the wave come up behind us but it was so strong it just bashed me to the rock" He explained.

"Alright buddy" I replied and grabbed the radio.

"Kendall to Bondi central"

"Go ahead Ken£ Reidy replied.

"We're going to need an ambo, 17 year old male been bashed against the rock, foot laceration, chest laceration, arm laceration, back laceration, shoulder laceration, he's pretty cut up and in a lot of pain" I explained.

"Alright, Mouse is calling one now." Reidy replied.

"Could I give him the green whistle, he's in loads of pain?" I asked.

"you could by all means but that means you'd have to stay with him till the ambo arrived" Reidy said.

"Alright, I'll do that then" I replied and prepared it.


7:30 pm

The lifeguard service had now finished and we were ready to begin surfentag. Maxi Whippet and I were all dressed as aliens and everyone thought it was really funny.

We put out UFO into the water and climbed onto it, we held onto the mat of the jetski while Harries took us out. Once we were at the start line we were left there to float while everyone else had to be brought out here.

"You ready?!" Harries called on the megaphone.

"Yeah" We call cheered.

"3... 2... 1... Surf!" He yelled. We began paddling while frequently looking behind us for waves. There weren't any coming so we had to keep paddling.

Suddenly a massive wave came and every contraption was lifted up on it, bringing everyone to the centre, causing carnage.

Our contraption was close to shore when it collided with Terry's one, One of the rescue boards that they had used hit me right in the back, causing a massive surge of pain all over me. I grabbed a hold of our contraption as it came to shore but once I was on the sand I just layed there in absolutely horrific pain.

"What's up?" Whippet asked, coming over to me with Maxi and Hoppo.

"One of the contraptions hit me right in the back and it really hurts to breathe" I said.

"Right, Okay, I'll radio the tower to bring a spinal and whistle" Hoppo said.

"Where does it hurt?" Whippet ased.

"right here, but on the back" I said, pointing to my stomach.

"That doesn't look good" I Maxi whisper.

Hoppo came with the spinal board and green whistle.

"You know the procedure" Hoppo said.

"Yeah" I replied as they put a neck brace on me.

Hoppo, Whippet, Maxi and Deano helped roll me onto my side. Someone else put the board on my back before rolling me back to my back. They then began to strap me to it. Whippet prepared the whistle.

"Can you feel me touching here" Hoppo asked, touching my arms.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Here?" He asked, touching my stomach.

"Yeah but it hurts most there" I replied.

"Can you feel me touching your leg?" He asked. That's when it struck me.


Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now