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Chapter 27. Get Away From Me!

I stumbled back from the door as Trev opened it further. I walked backwards, until I was up against the desk and couldn't go any further.

"Hey babe" Trev smirked. "Kendall is it? I didn't know you patrolled Tama as well as Bondi"

"Get away from me!" I said sternly, though I didn't know how much longer I could keep up the brave face.

"Let's finish what we started last time eh?" He asked, edging closer to me.

"You can't harass a lifeguard, fuck off" I said.

"And what was this about your policy of being nice to the public?" Trev questioned.

"I don't have to be nice to you" I said as he placed two hands firmly on my shoulders. I was trapped, he was much stronger than I was so there was no point in trying to escape.

"I've been watching you for a while now" He whispered, taunting me. "Ever since we first met."

"Creep" I mumbled, feeling my legs beginning to get weak, my mind began to flood with flashbacks and memories. I subtly grabbed the radio and shove it in my pocket, keeping my hand on it at all time.

"You're so called friends are doing a good job at protecting the tourists, but not protecting you? Let me figure this out so you don't have to... They simply don't care!" He yelled. I looked out at them on the beach and pressed the radio button.

"Just go away!" I screamed, "I don't need you here, go away" I noticed them all look back at me through the window. The tourists were now all out of the water and on the sand. Jake was first to react as he knew who Trev was, he came running up the beach, soon to be followed by Maxi and Whippet.

"Let's have some fun babe" He whispered, close to my ear.

"Don't call me that, I have a boyfriend" I cried.

Suddenly the pressure of Trev's hands was removed, I just collapsed on the floor and cried, I hid my face in my arms and just stayed there sobbing. I felt arms wrap around me, I flinched.

"Kendall! It's me Whippet" The voice said. "You need to calm down, you're breathing too fast, where's the inhaler?" He asked.

"I should be in her left pocket!" Maxi called. I did tell most people where I kept it, but not everyone.

I felt Whippet go into my pocket and pull out the inhaler. He took the cap off it and held it to my mouth. He sprayed it once,

"Deep breaths, slowly" He said, demonstrating. I put all of my little concentration I had onto trying to match my breathing to his and eventually it worked.

"Good" Whippet smiled, he lifted me up and put me on one of the chairs. I was still shaking slightly, partly from fear, partly from being cold. I had left my jacket at home. "You cold?" Whippet asked. I didn't really answer, he just grabbed his hoodie from the desk and put it over me, I put my arms in the arm holes and he pulled it down on me. It was big, but warm.

"What happened?" Maxi asked, Jake now appeared in the door way.

"He came....attacked...scared" I stuttered,

"Remember, calm" Whippet said softly, putting an arm round me.

"You left.... there was a knock...I answered...he stood there.....attacked me....I grabbed radio and pressed button" I stuttered, my snetences beginning to make a little bit more sense.

"Don't worry Ken, the bra boys are dealing with him now" Jake smiled.

"Thank you guys" I said quietly.

"No problem, friends are here to support each other" Maxi grinned.


"Whats bothering you?" Maxi asked sat to me, Whippet and Jake were now on the beach, Maxi had said he'd stay up here with me. It had been a couple of hours since the attack, though my mind kept drifting off, flashbacks and memories kept distracting me, especially the words he said.

"words hurt more than actions" I mumbled.

"What did he say?" Maxi asked,

"He said you lot didn't care.... no one cared" I whispered.

"Bullshit!" Maxi said. "Jake wouldn't have dealt with him if he didn't care. Whippet would have helped you if he didn't care. I wouldn't have come here if I didn't care. We all care and love you Kendall"

Those were the words that put a small smile on my face.


That evening Jesse was sat on the sofa, I was sat on the other sofa next to Troy. Troy had his arm over my shoulder and my head was rested on his chest. They found out what had happened earlier, everyone had upped their guard. The next time he appeared they were gonna catch him then call the police.

Jesse and Troy were talking, I was listening though I kept zoning out from exhaustion. My eyes were heavy and they kept closing, though I forced myself to stay awake.

"Get some rest, you must be exhausted" Troy whispered kissing my cheek. I let my eyes fall closed and slowly drifted off to sleep to the sound of Jesse and Troy in conversation...

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now