3. Lost Child

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Chapter 3: Lost Child

I woke up the next morning to my phone alarm going off. I turned it off and yawned, stretching as I did so. I sat up and went over to the drawer. I took out my board shorts, bikini top and t-shirt. The temperature here in Australia was far colder than yesterday but it didn't bother me as I was from the UK, we were used to the cold weather.

I left the bedroom and went downstairs. I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and ate it as my breakfast. Troy and Jesse came down the stairs with their hoodies on and hoods up.

"It's cold today" Jesse said.

"No its not" I replied.

"How can you sit there in shorts and a t-shirt and not be cold?" he asked.

"I'm from England, this is nice weather compared to what I am used to" I replied.

"Fair enough" He replied and made himself a coffee.

When we were all ready we went down to the beach for an early start. Our shift today started at 7. When we got to the beach we went into the tower to find out which position we were doing.

"Down north with Dunstan, wait who's Dunstan?" I said, asking the boys as I hadn't met Dunstan yet.

"Did someone ask who Dunstan was?" A guy asked entering the tower, he was young, looked only a couple of years older than me.

I nodded. "I did"

"Well then new person, I am the one and only Dunstan" He said dramatically, picking me up, spinning around before putting me down again.

"I'm Kendall" I smiled. I then turned back to the others. "Who timetabled me for the next three hours with this?" I asked as a joke.

"I believe Hoppo did" Jesse said, laughing,

"My life is complete" I exclaimed, walking out of the tower and getting onto the Quad.

"It's me again!" He cheered, running down the stairs and jumping onto the back of the quad bike.

"Right, I'll get rid of you" I smirked as we sped up the beach.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I suddenly stopped the quad and he went flying off the back onto the sand.

"Nice one there Kendall" Troy said on the radio.

"He asked how was I getting rid of him?" I said as I sped along the beach with him running behind.

When we got to north he finally caught up and stood beside me.

"So who are you?" He asked.

"I told you, I'm Kendall" I replied. "The new trainee?"

"Cool, I was the trainee last year. You from where?" He asked.

"Britain" I replied.

"Nice" He said.


"Excuse me, I cant find my son" A mother said, coming up to me.

"your son, what's his name?" I asked.

"Thomas" She replied.

"How old is he and what does he look like?"

"eleven. A little shorter than me and blonde hair" she said.

"What was he wearing?" I asked.

"Green trunks and a red cap" She explained.

"Right, let me tell the others to look out for him, one second" I said. I jogged over to the quad and picked up the radio.

"Um Troy, we have a missing boy, eleven years old with blonde hair. Wearing green trunks and a red cap" I said.

"Copy that, do you know hwere he was last seen?" He asked.

"One sec" I replied.

"Where did you last see him?" I asked the woman.

"Near where we are now" She said.

"Right okay" I replied to her.  "Troy can you see where I am now?" I asked.

"Yeah" He replied.

"She said around here"

"Alright, I'll look around on the camera. Keep searching your area, get dunstan to look out in the water" He said.

"Sure" I replied and clipped the radio to my shorts.

"Dunno" I called. "Look in the water for a blonde haired boy, about eleven, wearing green shorts and a red cap" I described. He nodded and I walked over to the mother.

"We've got that man over there looking to Thomas in the water, there is a lifeguard in the tower looking for him on a tower. I'm going to look round here. Can you go and sit on the quad bike, I'll come to you as soon as I know anything" I said to her. She nodded and went over to the quad.

I walked along the sand and looked for this little boy. I saw a small person sitting on the sand near the top of the beach. I jogged up to it and it fitted the description perfectly.

"Are you Thomas?" I asked. He looked up and nodded weakly, tears still rolling down his cheek. I grabbed my radio from my shorts.

"Gonzo, I've found the boy" I replied.

"That's a relief" he replied.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Come with me" I said to the boy. He stood and walked with me over to the quad bike. The mother jumped up and started talking to him in a foreign language.

"Thank you" she smiled to me.

"That's fine" I replied and they walked off.


"Where am I now?" I asked the radio, I had just done two hours at the flags.

"Down bagpackers" Jesse replied on the radio from the tower.

"With?" I asked.

"Maxi" He replied. I nodded and there was a beeping behind me as I walked along the beach. I turned and it was Maxi in the Rhino, he slowed up and I jumped in before he sped down to Bagpackers Rip.

"How was your morning with Dunno?" He asked.

"uh entertaining is all I can say" I replied.

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now