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--- Chapter 32. Seriously Maxi?

I spent last night texting Maddie and we had agreed to meet up, well, Troy said she could come round as Jesse was at work and he'd like to meet my best friend. I woke up to my phone ringing on the beside table. I grabbed it and answered, walking out of the room so I didn't wake Troy.

"Hello?" I yawned, I didn't bother looking at the caller ID so I had no idea what to do.

"Hey Kendall" Maxi said.

"What's up?" I asked

"What you doing today?" She asked.

"Spending it at home, with Troy. Maddie is coming over for the day" I said.

"Awesome, can I come by after work?" He asked.

"What time?" I asked.

"11 as I've been here since 5" He said, I looked at the time and it was 8am.

"Sure, why do you want to come though?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be.

"I like to make friends too" He said.

"Seriously Maxi?" I laughed.

"what?" He asked innocently.

"Nothing, see you at 11" I replied.

"alright" He replied and hung up.

I put my phone on the kitchen table and went back upstairs, crawling under the warmth of the duvet next to Troy.

"Was that Maddie babe?" Troy asked, his voice sounded sleepy.

"No" I replied. "Maxi"

"Isn't he at work?" Troy asked.

"Yeah, he's coming over at 11 to see Maddie as well. It's only because yesterday when she came up to me, he was there and when she left he said she was fit" I smiled.

"typical Maxi. What time is she getting here?"

"half ten I think" I replied.

"We still have time then" He smiled. I nodded and he began to kiss my neck, going up to my jaw line and onto my lips....


"I'll get it" I said as there was a knock at the door. I opened it and Maddie stood there, I smiled and gave her a hug before letting her in. We went to go and sit in the living room.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked her.

"no thanks" she smiled, I nodded and sat, Troy came in and sat next to me.

"This is Maddie, my best friend from England who now lives here, this is Troy, my boyfriend" I smiled.

"You're the boyfriend she told me about yesterday" Maddie laughed.

"I guess" Troy chuckled.

"Maxi should be here in a bit. He wanted to come and say hi" I smiled.

"Awesome" She grinned. "How come you're here working then?"

"I'm on a years transfer to see what it's like at a popular beach" I explained. Troy got up to answer the door, It was Maxi. He came in and sat on the space next to Maddie.

"Hi Maxi" He smiled.

"Hey, Hey Ken" He nodded.

"Hi" I replied, smirking at him.

Maddie stayed until half past two ish, then had to leave. Maxi left at around 3. It was obvious he had a crush on her, though he wouldn't admit it, even after he told me he thought she was fit.

"Shall we see if there is anything we can do off the list?" I asked Troy.

"Sure" He smiled.

1: Split A Milkshake
2: Go To The Zoo
4: Pick Out Each Other's Outfits
5: Take A Nap
6: Sunbathe
7: Kiss In The Rain
8: Have A Harry Potter Marathon
9: Get Matching Outfits
10: Kiss Underwater
11: Ride A Ferris Wheel
12: Watch Fireworks
13: Buy Matching Bracelets
15: Go On A Road Trip
16: Make Breakfast
17: Go On A Classy-Ass Date
19: Get Ice-Cream
20: Go To The Gym
21: Go Mini Golfing
22: Kiss At Midnight
23: Go On A Run
24: Make T-Shirts
25: Have A Paint War
27: Take A Photo Of Us Kissing
29: Go To Six Flags
30: Rollerblading
31: Sing A Song Really Loud
32: Slow Dance
33: Share Popcorn At The Movies
34: Order Chinese
36: Stargaze
37: Paint Something
39: Have A Lazy Day
40: Take Troy To London

"We could have the harry potter marathon. I'd say from now till ten which is six hours, but we do have work at 9am tomorrow" Troy said.

"Okay" I smiled, I went upstairs and grabbed the films, along with the blankets. I sat on the sofa while Troy sorted out the DVD player. He then came and sat next to me under the blanket as Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone began......

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now