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Chapter 13: Stockholm Syndrome

I woke up the next morning in a good mood. The sting on my leg wasn't hurting anymore, it was just a bit red. The only annoying thing was that I had Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction stuck in my head. I'm not going to lie, I am a fan of One Direction.

I changed into my shorts, bikini top and lifeguard shirt before tying my hair into a messy bun and going downstairs, humming the tune that was currently stuck in my head.

I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with some water. I then put some bread in the toaster and when it was toasted, put a thick layer of nutella on it. You can't buy happiness but you can buy nutella.

Troy came down the stairs and entered the kitchen just as I was about to eat. He made him and Jess a coffee and put them on the table. Jesse soon joined us.

"Ready for another day at work?" Troy asked.

"Yep" I replied.

"How's your leg now?" Jesse asked.

"It's okay" I replied.

"That's good" He smiled.

When we were all ready we decided to walk to the beach. When we got there we went to the tower to read the rota. I was on tower duty with Dunstan and Itchy all morning then up north in the afternoon with Terry.

I sat down at one of the chairs while Jesse went to backpackers and Troy was on central. Dunstan and Itchy soon arrived in the tower.


About mid morning I was getting a can of redbull from the fridge when there was a massive crowd on the beach. There were kids, people and papparazi. Someone famous must be here.

"Who's cause all this fuss?" I asked.

"Uh I'm not sure" Dunstan replied.

"Who's causing the fuss then guys?" I asked in the radio.

"Uh Niall and Louis are here from One Direction" Hoppo replied. He was helping control the crowds.

"Ahhh" I screamed before I turned the radio. "Make sure you send them up to the tower" I told Hoppo.

"Will do Kendall" He replied.

"I literally had their song stuck in my head this morning and now they are here at the beach, this is crazy" I said, sitting on one of the chairs.

"You're a fan then?" Itchy asked.

"Yeah they're a pretty cool band" I replied.

"Awesome" Itchy replied.

I was sat, watching the water when there was a knock at the tower door. Dunstan got up and answered it. In came Louis and Niall with their security guards.

"Finally somewhere away from the paps" Louis chuckled as they came into the tower.

"Hi guys" Niall smiled.

"Hey" I replied. I was literally trying my hardest not to fangirl.

"How are you lot?" Louis asked.

"Yeah we're good, some more excited than others" Itchy replied, then both him and Dunno looked at me. I just hid my face in my hands as Louis and Niall chuckled.

"C'mere" Louis said and came towards me, his arms open for a hug. I stood up and hugged him, then went to hug Niall who also wanted a hug.

"So, a fan eh?" Niall asked. I nodded, my cheeks went slightly red.

"That's cool though" Louis grinned. I just laughed.


Once the afternoon had started and this mornings fuss was over I was sat up north with Chappo in the black Rhino. I had got photos taken with Louis and Niall earlier so literally nothing could make me any happier.

"I'll go" I said to Chappo as I saw two guys out there struggling.

I grabbed the board and raced into the water. I paddled out and used the rip to help me get out there quicker. When I got there the two teenage boys grabbed onto the board.

"Both get on and lie down with your head up there" I said. After a couple of minutes they were both on. I looked at the oncoming waves and began to paddle back to shore. The rip was making it hard to get there and It was already hard even with two people. After about 5 minutes we finally got there and the two boys stood up.

"Go and swim between the red and yellow flags, it's dangerous here" I said. They nodded and thanked me before walking up the boach. I then went to go and sit back down.

"Had a struggle there?" Chappo asked.

"Yeah, the rip was strong. Especially with two people on the board as well" I replied.

"But you did it though" Chappo smiled. I nodded and put my t-shirt back on.


Troy's P.O.V

It was the evening, Jesse Kendall and I were all sat in the living room watching the TV.

I was beginning to like Kendall, more than friends. It probably sounds wierd and I've only known her for a week or so but she's amazing. She is really pretty, she can brighten anyones day, she's not afraid of much, she's just a great person to be around.

I looked at her next to me and realised that she was falling asleep. It was 10:30 and we had been up since five. I smiled and Jesse chuckled slightly. I nudged her and she woke up.

"You should go lie down upstairs, you look tired" I stated.

"Effort. You're comfy" She replied and rested her head back on my shoulder. Jesse just laughed.

"I'm gonna take her upstairs then go to bed. Night mate" I said to him.

"Night" He replied. I picked Kendall up and took her upstairs.  

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now