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Chapter 38. Rocks

I woke up to the sun filtering in through the curtains. Troy must have already been awake as he wasn't laying next to me. I got up, and had a shower before getting changed into my uniform and then tying my hair up. I went downstairs, fed Riker and made a cup of coffee. That was when Troy and Jesse joined me. Once we had all drunk coffee and were ready we set off down to Bondi.

It was a busy day down at Bondi, the sun was out, the sky was blue and the beach was full of people. I was up on tower duty with Reidy, Maxi and Jesse, Riker was asleep under the desk at my feet. He'd had a busy morning. We jogged the whole length of the beach in my lunch break, so he was tired out from that.

"Is that someone stuck on the rock?" Reidy asked, looking through binoculars. I grabbed the second pair and looked for myself.

"It looks like it, I think they're waving" I said. "I'll go and check they're okay"

"You sure?" Reidy asked. I nodded.

"c'mon Riker" I said, he got up and followed me out of the tower. I jogged down the beach, Riker running at my side and we got to the south corner. I carefully got up onto the rocks and climbed my way over them. It was a teenage boy, and he looked afraid of the dog. I turned to Riker.

"sit and stay!" I ordered, he sat on the rock he was currently on and layed down. I then continued to walk the next couple of metres to this boy.

"Hi mate, you okay?" I asked him.

"nah, my leg's stuck under this rock." He said.

"what's your name buddy?" I asked.

"Tony" He replied.

"And how old are you Tony?"

"19" He replied. I then realised that I had left the radio in the tower, I was going to have to do this one myself.

"if you push against that rock, I'll also mush, see if we can get it off" I said.

"Alright" He replied and began pushing. I also pushed and the rock slowly moved it's way off of Tony's leg. His leg hadn't been squashed so hard because he managed to stand up.

"Cheers" He smiled and walked off. I turned as Riker came over to me.

"Lets go" I said to him as we began to climb back over the rocks.

I was going steady when a massive wave came and knocked me right off my feet. I fell backwards, I hit my head on a rock, and twisted my ankle slightly as I fell. I layed there on the rock, my lifeguard shirt now soaking wet, which I had hoped that I could keep dry. Riker barked and came bounding over to me, stopping at my side.

"Help, go, get someone" I said. It was no use, he didn't understand. I then remembered, he'd get help if I went unconscious. I shut my eyes, pretending to be knocked out. He kept nudging me to get attention but when we noticed he wasn't getting any he ran away. I lifted my head slightly and opened my eyes, noticing that he was running up towards the tower.

The water kept washing over the rocks, and round me, making me feel cold. It was a few minutes before Riker returned, Bacon and Maxi following him. They both came over to me and crouched at my sides.

"you okay Kendall?" Bacon asked.

"The wave came and knocked me, I twisted my ankle and have a massive headache" I replied.

"Did you go unconscious?" He asked.

"No" I replied.

"But you hit your head?" Maxi spoke. I nodded.

"Right, let's get you off these rocks" Maxi smiled. They helped me get up and Maxi put his arm around me, supporting me as I limped across the rocks.

Once we were back on the sand Bacon went back to his duty at south corner and Maxi and I went up to the tower, Riker following us. I was fine, though my ankle had probably just bruised. It will pass and I'll be back to normal again.


That night, I was in the house alone with Troy. Jesse had gone out for a lads night out with some of the maroubra boys so it was just Troy, me and Riker, who was asleep on his bed in the corner of the room.

"Babe look at me" Troy said. I looked at him and he kissed me, holding his phone out and taking a selfie. "Done" He smiled.

"What's done?" I asked.

"Number 27 on the list, take a photo of us kissing" He smiled.

"Cleverly done Troy" I laughed. We then pulled up the list on my phone.

1: Split A Milkshake
2: Go To The Zoo
4: Pick Out Each Other's Outfits
5: Take A Nap
6: Sunbathe
7: Kiss In The Rain
9: Get Matching Outfits
10: Kiss Underwater
11: Ride A Ferris Wheel
12: Watch Fireworks
13: Buy Matching Bracelets
15: Go On A Road Trip
16: Make Breakfast
17: Go On A Classy-Ass Date
19: Get Ice-Cream
20: Go To The Gym
21: Go Mini Golfing
22: Kiss At Midnight
23: Go On A Run
24: Make T-Shirts
25: Have A Paint War
29: Go To Six Flags
30: Rollerblading
31: Sing A Song Really Loud
32: Slow Dance
33: Share Popcorn At The Movies
34: Order Chinese
36: Stargaze
37: Paint Something
39: Have A Lazy Day
40: Take Troy To London

"What do you want to do?" Troy asked me.

"We could go on a run" I smiled.

"Sure, round the block a couple of times?" He asked. I nodded. I stripped down to my lifeguard bikini as I was still wearing work clothes. Troy just took his shirt off and decided to run in shorts. I took Riker's lead and attached it to his collar. We then left the house and began our little run...

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now