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Chapter 28. Emotions

Troy's P.O.V

"Put me down! You're hurting me! Get off me! Let me go!"

I awoke to Kendall moving and talking, another nightmare. I rubbed my eyes slightly before sitting up. I put my arms round Kendall and pulled her in for a hug.

"Shh, calm down you're safe" I whispered in her ear. Her breathing was slightly irregular, short gaspy type of breaths. I rubbed her back slowly with my hand.

"It hurts! Make it stop" She cried, moving slightly.

"What hurts babe?" I asked, I knew she was still in the nightmare but I thought talking about it may help her slightly. She didn't answer though, she just kept crying into my shirt. She gasped suddenly and sat up for herself, she was awake.

"Kendall, you alright little one?" I asked.

"N-no" she stuttered. I reached over and turned the bed side lamp on, adjusting it to its dimmest setting.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked. She nodded. "What would you like?" I asked her.

"Hot chocolate" She whispered. I nodded and stood up, leaving the bedroom and going downstairs into the kitchen.

I sighed putting the kettle on to boil. I looked at the time, 5:47am. Kendall didn't deserve this, she didn't come to Australia to be attacked, and then be left with flashbacks and nightmares. She only wanted to have fun. I made her my hot chocolate and took it upstairs to her. Hot chocolate seemed to be her best medicine. Not only did she just generally love my hot chocolates but they help calm her, I don't know why, they just do. Also, they're much nicer than medicine so it's a bonus.

"Thank you" she whispered, taking it in her hands. She was now sat up, leaning against the headboard.

"No worries, do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. I could see her getting a little worked up over it. "You don't have to babe, it was just a suggestion" I said softly. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry" she said, looking at me.

"What you apologising for Ken?" I asked.

"Putting you through this, you shouldn't have to deal with sleepless nights because of me, I'm really sorry" She said quietly.

"Babe, Jess and I would have said if it annoys us. We don't mind, it's not your fault you have nightmares and I'm a light sleeper. Jesse on the other hand, once he is asleep he doesn't hear a thing" I said. She smiled, chuckling a bit. "See, there's the smile I love to see" I said. "Shall we consult our list? see what we have left to do?" I asked. She nodded. I grabbed the notepad and opened it to the correct page.

1: Split A Milkshake
2: Go To The Zoo
3: Go To The Aquarium
4: Pick Out Each Other's Outfits
5: Take A Nap
6: Sunbathe
7: Kiss In The Rain
8: Have A Harry Potter Marathon
9: Get Matching Outfits
10: Kiss Underwater
11: Ride A Ferris Wheel
12: Watch Fireworks
13: Buy Matching Bracelets
15: Go On A Road Trip
16: Make Breakfast
17: Go On A Classy-Ass Date
19: Get Ice-Cream
20: Go To The Gym
21: Go Mini Golfing
22: Kiss At Midnight
23: Go On A Run
24: Make T-Shirts
25: Have A Paint War
27: Take A Photo Of Us Kissing
28: Go On A Starbucks Date
29: Go To Six Flags
30: Rollerblading
31: Sing A Song Really Loud
32: Slow Dance
33: Share Popcorn At The Movies
34: Order Chinese
36: Stargaze
37: Paint Something
39: Have A Lazy Day
40: Take Troy To London

 We both finish work at 2 today don't we?" She asked. I nodded. "We could get two ticked off our list" She smiled.

"which ones babe?" I asked.

"Number 3 and number 28" she said.

"Go to the aquarium then starbucks date?" I asked, confirming what she just said. She nodded. "Sounds perfect" I smiled.

"Though we do have to be at Quinn's at 7" She said.

"We can make it work" I smiled.

"I don't have PTSD" She sighed.

"I think you do, or a small trace of it at least" I said.

"Whatever" she chuckled.


Kendall's P.O.V

"What are you doing you strange excuse of a human being?!" I shrieked as Reidy ran out of the tower and put me over his shoulder.

"You, are on backpackers with me" He said, putting me in the back of the rhino before jumping in the drivers seat and driving down the beach.

"Okay" I chuckled, when we got to backpackers I got out and sat in the passenger seat.

"Good job there Reidy" Troy said over the radio.

"What?" I asked him.

"They told me to cheer you up, I put a smile on your face didn't I?" Reidy said looking at me.

"Yes" I replied.

"Sucess!" Reidy shouted down the radio.

"Kendall" Deano said on the radio.

"Yes Dean?" I replied.

"There has been a change of plan. I would like you out on the jet ski and H will come take your place" He said.

"Okay just coming" I replied.

"Max and Tez are setting it up now" he said.

"Copy that" I replied.

"Don't leave me with H, he'll give me a headache" Reidy fake cried.

"Dont worry, I always carry paracetamol if you need one at lunch" I said.

"Cheers" Reidy smiled. "Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend." He began to sing James Blunt's song as I walked up the beach. I turned to face him.

"Dramatic much?" I laughed.

"I am the cheer up master!" He called out before having to perform a rescue. I chuckled and ran over to where the jet ski was in the water. Reidy sure did know how to cheer people up.

"Guys! Reidy and Kendall are drug dealing!" Jake called dramatically in the tower at lunch.

"It's only paracetamol" I laughed.

"Who started it?" Maxi asked.

"Kendall passed the pill to Reidy" Jake said.

Maxi took both of my hands and put them behind my back, forcing me to lie on the first aid bed on my stomach.

"You are being arrested on suspicion of illegal activity. You don't have to say anything but anything you do say may be held against you in court. Do you understand?" Maxi said dramatically in his over the top policeman voice. Then an idea came to my head.

"Przykro mi, ale nie mówisz po angielsku Maxi" I spoke in polish.
(Sorry I dont understand english Maxi)

"huh?" Maxi asked, everyone in the tower at the time just laughed at him as he let me get up.

I sure do work with some stange people...

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now