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Chapter 47. Telling Them

I had no idea how I was going to tell them. I knew at some point I would end up crying. I layed there and waited, for them to come in. It was going to be a little surprise for me as I had no idea who was here. The whole lifeguard service wouldn't be here, there's over thirty of them. It would probably only be the people at surfentag.

The door opened and in walked Maxi, Maddie, Whippet, Hoppo, Troy, Jesse and Reidy. My closest friends from work and Maddie. I'm glad she came along too, probably to support me and Maxi, he looked pretty upset. In fact, they all did. They came in, Troy came and sat on the edge of the bed next to me, Hoppo, Reidy and Maxi took the three chairs, Maddie sat on Maxi's lap and the others sat on the floor.

"Hey" Troy said, looking at me.

"hi" I replied, quietly looking at everyone.

"How are you?" Hoppo asked, looking up from the floor to me.

"Fine, I mean pain wise." I replied.

"Are you going to be okay?" Maxi asked, looking at me. He looked like he was about to cry.

"No" I whispered. "I'm paraplegic from the waist down"

There were gasps across the whole room. This only made me cry and Troy tried hugging me, even though it was awkward as I was laying down. He then readjusted the bed so I was sat up slightly. It was silent. No one knew what to say. What was there to say?

"That's awful" Maxi said. I saw whippet get up and he came over to me. He hugged me and I hugged him back, I liked his hugs. Obviously Troy's were my favourites but his were my second. They were warm and protective.

"I can't be a lifeguard anymore" I replied. Each of the boys, (and Maddie) took turns to get up and hug me. It was an awkward silence, no one was sure what to say.

There was a knock at the door before it opened. They came in and I saw it was Dr. Lear.

"Hi" I smiled, I liked her, she was nice to me.

"Hello Kendall, Hi guys" She said, greeting the boys. There were a few responses of hey's back.

"What does this mean for Kendall?" Hoppo asked.

"Obviously she is paralysed from the waist down, I just came in to remove her neck brace. She will be able to live her life in a wheelchair as she still has the use of her upper half." Dr Lear said, while removing my neck brace.

"Could she do tower jobs?" Jesse asked.

"What do they involve?" Dr Lear asked.

"Literally sitting at a desk, looking at the water through binoculars and occasionally phoning an ambulance" He replied.

"If she feels up to it. But she won't be able to be out of her chair without being carried" Dr Lear explained.

"Would you feel up to doing it?" Hoppo asked me.

"Maybe in a week or so, not right now" I Replied.

"Okay" He smiled.

"Do you need any more pain relief?" Dr Lear asked.

"I'm fine thanks" I smiled.

"Press this red button if you need anything and I'll come" she said.

"Thank you" I smiled before she left.

"What's the time?" I asked, Troy got out his phone. He then passed me mine.

"just gone eleven" he replied.

"You should all go home and get some sleep. Most of you have work tomorrow, I'll be fine here honestly, I now have my phone if you ever want to talk or call" I said.

"Okay, we'll be back tomorrow. Well, whoever wants to come will be here" Hoppo said. I nodded as they each got up and gave me a hug, saying goodbye before leaving. Maddie was last.

"This is terrible" She said.

"I know" I replied.

"I'll come in sometime tomorrow" She said.

"Okay, thank you" I replied.

"Bye" She waved. I waved back and she left, letting the door close on its own behind her. This was probably one of the worst nights sleep for me because I never sleep on my back. It's the most uncomfortable to lay in...

Boys In Blue - Troy Quinlan (Gonzo)Where stories live. Discover now