Chapter 1- The end of a journey

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"Henry...where do you think you're going? You're grounded remember?" Henry's mom put her hands on her hips, waiting for a lame excuse. They had been arguing in his room for 35 minutes.

"'s not the time!" Henry grabbed his phone as he dialled Charlotte's number.

"C'mon Charlotte! Why is no one answering their phones?" Henry put his phone near his ear.

"I have a better question. Where do you think you're going since you know you're grounded." She held out her hand expecting him to hand her his phone.

"Mom! For the last time...I'm Kid Danger!" He argued.

"Stop lying to me Henry. You've been trying to convince us of this stupid lie for 2 weeks now and it's getting ridiculous!" She gave him an angry look. He dialled Amy's number, hoping she would pick up like she always did.

"I swear I'm Kid Danger! Damn it! I have to go find Amy. She's not answering her phone!" Henry attempted to leave, but was stopped.

"You are not to leave this house Henry Hart or you will be grounded for another month!" His mom threatened.

"You want proof that I'm Kid Danger?" She gave him the look of 'try me'. "I am Kid Danger, which I can prove to you if I had my gum tube...which, oh my god I forgot I do have my gum tube!" He raced over to his bed, grabbing a glowing tube from out behind one of his paintings.

Putting a glowing gum ball into his mouth, chewing vigorously, it took him a minute before his normal clothes were gone and his Kid Danger outfit appeared after blowing a bubble.

"Oh my god, you are Kid Danger!" She spoke, shocked, as someone attempted to bash down his bedroom door.

He raced out his bedroom window, hoping to find Amy, Charlotte, Jasper or even Ray.
After nearly an hour of avoiding scared Swellview citizens, Henry finally made it to Junk 'N' Stuff, getting down to Captain Man's Man Cave.

"Ray! Where is Charlotte or Jasper or Amy?" Henry looked around, confused.

"Charlotte's in Cuba with her parents, Jasper is home sick and I have no idea where Amy is..." Ray shrugged his shoulders on the last part.

"I'm here! I'm here!" She shot down the tube before heading towards Henry.

"Where have you been?" Henry hugged his girlfriend.

"I'm so sorry. My mom took my phone before asking me questions about why I've been sneaking out...but the good news is, I'm here to help...but I don't know what I'm helping out with..." She spoke, nearly out of breath.

"You have to leave Amy. It's not safe here anymore! Drex knows that I'm Kid Danger and he's willing to kill anyone to find out where I am. I have to go out and face him with Ray." Henry pushed Amy away.

"Well...I'm coming with you." She smiled.

"! You're completely inexperienced! Besides, Drex might use you to hurt me and I'm not taking that chance!" Henry held me.

"Hen...I'm a black belt in Karate. I think I can handle myself..." She crossed her arms.

"I'm not allowing you to come with us! I'm not gonna risk your life Amy. I'm sorry...but I can't bare to know that you might be in danger..." He hugged Amy again.

"I want to help you!" She objected.

"Then stay here and monitor the situation!" Henry had a good idea.

"What? No!" She objected again.

"Henry's right Amy. Your best bet of staying safe yet helping us, is to sit over there and help Schwoz with the computer." Ray commented.

"You promise me you'll be safe?" She looked into his brown eyes.

"I promise that I'll be as safe as a superhero can be while fighting crime." He smiled back at her.

"Then I'll stay here." She nodded her head.

"I love you." Henry had never said that to Amy before. They had been dating for nearly 6 months, yet he never had the courage to say it to her.

"I love you too." She replied. Her heart fluttered as he kissed her as if it was his last time ever seeing her.

He ran over to the tubes, letting it surround him. "Up the tube!" He shouted as he was shot upwards.

"I'll protect him." Ray hugged her before running up to his tube. "Up the tube!" He shouted before he was also shot upwards.

"Henry? You there?" She asked as she clicked a few buttons. She had seen Charlotte do this job.

"Yep." He replied, making her less worried.

After 15 minutes, and a lot of directions being given, Henry spoke to Amy.

"Ok. Press the green button right in front of you. It'll shoot a laser out of my hand." She pressed the button as Henry had instructed.

"Amy-" The line cut out.

"Kid Danger? KID DANGER!" She started to freak out, pressing multiple buttons to try and communicate with him.

"Captain Man? CAPTAIN MAN!" She shouted into the mic in front of her, starting to panic when she didn't hear a response from either Henry or Ray.

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