Chapter 20- Halfway happy

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The last time I saw Henry, Charlotte informed me that Henry was leaving Swellview and going back to Dystopia. Was it selfish of me to want to keep him here?

Pacing around Henry's room, yes...Henry's room. It was the only place I ever felt safe. He had a whole life here that he left. I walked over to the diploma that wouldn't be hanging on the wall if it weren't for me.

"I never saw that before. I guess I should thank you for being an amazing girlfriend?" I turned around to see Henry. He walked over to the diploma, taking it off the wall as he stared at it.

"You convinced the principal to let me graduate..." Henry smiled at me.

"Shouldn't you be on your way back to Dystopia by now?" I wasn't in the mood for a heart to heart.

"Don't be like that..." Henry attempted to hold me, but I moved away.

"...Don't be like what? Don't be angry that the one person I loved, who just came back from the dead a few days ago is leaving? You can't be serious Henry." I went to open his bedroom door, making my way down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing some leftover Chinese food that had been put into the fridge.

"Amy. Amy listen to me." Henry tried to stop me. I sat down and started eating, ignoring Henry once again.

"Look. I know you're pissed. I would be too, but right now, being in Dystopia is the best option for me right now. It's a lot more safer that being in a town that has over 15 villains and more criminals that want me dead." Henry argued.

"Dystopia is safer? Wow Henry. You are really trying to hide the fact that when you're in Dystopia, you're running from bounty hunters." I could feel my emotions piling up.

"Did Charlotte tell you?" Henry asked as if his best friend betrayed him.

"She didn't have to. I got into the elevator but when you and Charlotte started arguing...I stopped it. I heard everything, Henry. That whole argument with Ray and Charlotte? I heard it all." Henry sat besides me, trying to hold my hand.

"I don't get why you're abandoning me. I spent over a year mourning you. I became Ray's sidekick thinking you where dead! I couldn't go to your funeral Henry! I was to devastated to even get up. I risked my powers for you! I talked to your plaque in the school, wishing everyday that I would see you again, but instead, I got into a fight with Becky Michelle, almost exposing my powers!" I got up, but Henry stopped me.

"I'm sorry Amy...I-" Henry was really taking all my emotions.

"-You have no idea what it's like to lose someone that you loved, only to find out that they've been secretly fighting crime only two towns over." I was now about to cry.

"Amy...I know you're pissed...and I get why...but I'm asking that we find a place that makes us halfway happy." Henry was really trying hard.

"Halfway happy?" I was really confused.

"You know...find common ground, both agree on something?" Henry was making some sense.

"Fine. Let's find some common ground then." I slightly smiled.

"Should I go first?" I asked, worried.

"Of course. You can go first." Henry smiled, holding my hand.

"How about, you can return back to Dystopia, as long as you come back sometimes?" I was hoping for some positive feedback.

"I have better idea." He smiled. I gave him a smile.

"How about...I stay in Swellview, we can find a place to live in, as long as no-one makes me fight crime. I want to be able to choose to fight crime." He offered.

"Halfway happy." I confirmed his offer.

"Now...please don't tell Ray, or Jasper, or Charlotte, or anyone else until I have told my partner..." Henry asked.

"Of course. Not until you're ready." I kissed his cheek. Before I could get up, Henry lightly pulled me in for a kiss, this one more passionate than the rest. I smiled.

"I really missed you Henry." I pulled away. "I missed you more Amy." He hugged me. As I smiled, my watch triple beeped, meaning something bad was happening.

"How about I go deal with this and you can go back to Dystopia?" I asked.

"Yeah. I should be back in a few hours. Be safe. I love you." Henry pecked me

"I will be and I love you too." I smiled, running off to go help Ray with whatever the emergency is.

I watched as my girlfriend ran off to go be a superhero. Now came the tricky bit...telling my partner that I was returning to Swellview. Making my way back to Dystopia, I managed to get to my secret hideout without being caught by bounty hunters.

"'re back from your little trip?" Spark asked as he stood up.

"Yeah...except...I'm not" I revealed.

"I knew it. As soon as you got that text from that girl I knew you'd want to go home..." Spark seemed angry.

"Look...being's created a whole new life for me...but I returned home and I realised that I had let so many people believe I was dead..." I spoke.

" faked your own death and came here as a result?" Spark seemed annoyed now.

"No...I never faked my death. But when I returned to my boss' hideout, I was on the brink of death. I was barely still alive. I figured that once I was mostly recovered, coming here was the best thing for me." I only told part of the story.

"You sucks. I've lived here since I was a kid and I hate permanently living somewhere that is considered a second choice to live." Spark was now angry.

"Look...there is no need to get upset..." I tried to calm him down.

"No...there isn't...but there is a need for this..." He pulled a gun on me. My own partner pulled a gun on me.

"Captain Danger, you are under arrest for the infiltration of Dystopia's top crime lord." Spark seemed happy that he was trying to arrest me.

"You-You're a bounty hunter?" I was upset.

"Ever since you made the dumb idea of infiltrating a crime lord." He took a shot at me, narrowly missing.

Before he could take more shots, I ran off, unfortunately being chased. Before he had the chance to catch me, I jumped onto a motor bike and rode off, luckily escaping my now ex-partner.
I got back home to Swellview, making my way to the Man Cave. I luckily saw Amy on the couch and no-one else around.

"Maybe leaving Dystopia was a better idea..." I smiled.

"Why...what happened?" Amy asked.

"My now ex-partner was a bounty hunter and had been pretending to be my partner ever since I stupidly and unsuccessfully infiltrated a crime lord..." I explained my horrible situation.

" least you're here safe and protected..." Amy hugged me.

"Yeah...for now..." I hugged her back.

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