Chapter 10- First and last dance

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Prom. The one dance that basically occupies peoples minds for a whole month before it actually occurs. Girls would stress over who took them to prom and what they would wear. Boys would just leave it all to the last minute, not caring if they forgot a shoe on the night.

Charlotte had everything planned. She would go with Jasper, as a friend, wearing a nice purple inspired outfit with a matching jacket. She let Jasper pick his own outfit, as long as it met her guidelines.

Amy had everything planned. She had a beautiful two piece red dress that hung in her closet. The only problem was her date. He no longer existed. She had never been to a prom, never having a date. Once she started dating Henry, he had asked her to be his date to prom, and she accepted.

"So? Are you excited for prom?" Charlotte seemed super excited.

"Uh...I'm not going." Amy walked away before being abruptly stopped by Charlotte.

"Excuse me? You can't not go! Prom is the one night a year that we get to have the time of our lives! We graduate in 3 months!" Charlotte was forgetting something important.

"I'm not going Charlotte! The one person I was going with...he's not here anymore..." Amy was about to cry.

"Just because Henry isn't here doesn't mean you can't come. You and I can still have fun!" Charlotte smiled.

"You're going with Jasper...remember?" Amy asked, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"I have an idea. Why don't you come with me and Jasper. We're already going as friends! I don't think he'll mind being your date as well!" Charlotte smiled bigger.

"Really?" She asked just as Jasper came around the corner.

"Jasper! How do you feel about bringing Amy as your date as well as me?" Charlotte smiled.

"Sounds fun!" Jasper smiled, hugging Amy.

"I know it's hard that he isn't here to enjoy the night." Jasper smiled again.

" me your dress!" Charlotte held Amy's phone. She got the picture of her dress up, making Charlotte smile even more.

"You are going to wear this amazing dress with your hair and makeup done...and we're gonna have the best last prom ever!" Charlotte hugged her.

"This might be my first prom..." Amy stated.

"What?" Charlotte was confused.

"Before Henry, I never had a date to any school I would always stay home and watch romantic movies and wallow in self pity..." Amy revealed.

"Well...this year is different. You have me and Jasper to keep you company, plus Henry's spirit." Charlotte smiled.

Walking down the hallway of this stupid school, I saw Henry's plaque, always tempted to vandalise it. As I walked closer to the stairs, I saw Charlotte and Amy talking about prom. I listened in, hearing that Jasper was going to take her and Charlotte as his dates. Amy never went to prom before...barf. Ah. Bingo. I saw Amy's phone, a picture of her dress. I had the perfect revenge plan, buy and wear the same dress as Amy to the prom, embarrass her and take credit for wearing the hideous dress, destroying her spirit. That's payback Henry. You throw me in jail, I ruin your girlfriend's night. I walked off, going online to find the exact dress.
I found the exact same dress as Amy's. I arrived at the school, seeing Amy and Charlotte linking arms with Jasper who didn't look too bad. Once they were inside, I saw my opportunity. I walked up to the entrance, catching the view of the boy who was taking tickets.

"Woah. You and Amy Smith have the same embarrassing..." He looked shocked.

"Wait what? Amy Smith has the exact same dress as me?" I asked.

"Yeah. She came in about 10 minutes ago." The boy shrugged his shoulders.

"How dare she steal my dress idea! I'm going to confront her." My lie was working well so far. I walked into the gym, spotting Amy who looked scared when she saw me.

"AMY!" I screamed, causing the entire room of 100 students to fall silent. I could hear the whispers. Oh my god...they're wearing the same dress. One of them is tacky.

"Veronika? Why are you wearing the same dress as me!" Amy was mortified. Amazing.

"Me? You stole my dress idea!" I put out the lie, seeing the shock on her face.

"I stole your dress idea?!" She was confused.

"Yeah! I was talking to one of my friends about it this morning and you clearly looked at my phone!" People around us had no idea who was telling the truth.

"Excuse me Veronika, but I was with Amy all morning. She didn't do anything like that!" Charlotte was defending her friend. Ugh. Time to disprove her story.

"Look who comes to the rescue. Charlotte Page. Henry's friend, Amy's friend. You're a liar. Don't you have anything else to do than be someone's side friend?" I scoffed.

"Why are you seriously trying to convince a room full of students that I stole your dress idea when it's clear that it was my idea because I wear it better?" I was about to make her cry. I could see it. She ran off, crying. Charlotte glared at me and ran off to be with her friend.

"How rude can someone be to steal your idea Veronika?" One girl smiled at me. I had done what I planned to do. Convince everyone that Amy stole my dress idea.

Lady Danger//Henry DangerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang