Chapter 26- Step 3: Omega memory satellite

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Drex and Spark had been defeated. "So. What's step 3?" I asked.

"Well. We now have to delete the video of Henry 'quitting' and also erase all of the Swellview citizens' memories."  Ray spoke.

"Schwoz. How long will it take to hook up the memory weapon to the omega weapon that will connect to the satellite?" Henry asked as he relaxed.

"It should take just under 30 minutes." Schwoz continued.

"The Man's gone. Everything I've known since I became a superhero is gone..." Ray looked devastated.

"Hey, we can build a new Man Cave." I smiled.

"You could call it the Man's Nest!" Jasper smiled.

"We can turn it into our new headquarters." I added.

"Guys...didn't Schwoz say that the Man Cave was going to prevent our memories from being wiped?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah...but now we're exposed." Jasper was sad.

"Not necessarily. Maybe Henry can use his force-field barrier powers to protect our memories? Piper suggested.

"I've never made a barrier that big before. I don't know if I can..." Henry was worried.

"Let's test it. Ray. Use the anti-grav on one of those massive boulders over there!" I suggested, waiting for Ray to get it. He put the gadget on the boulder, lifting up. Getting to the highest point of the now destroyed Man Cave, he waited.

"Let's try it." I got besides Henry and hugged him. Charlotte did the same as Jasper, and Piper got as close to Henry as humanly possible.

"Dropping the boulder in 3...2...1..." Ray dropped the boulder, but before it could hit us, Henry's force-field appeared, but it only covered Henry, Charlotte and I.

"Damn it." Jasper was angry.

"Wait...Amy has the same ability. Why don't Henry and Amy combine their powers to create a bigger one?" Piper had a good idea.

Ray got another boulder, getting ready to drop it. Henry and I held hands as my hands glowed and his body glowed. We used all our might to combined our barrier, becoming five times bigger than before.

"3...2...1..." Ray dropped the boulder, letting hit the barrier.

"Yes! It worked!" Piper said, happily.

As we celebrated, Schwoz smiled.

"It's ready! The memory weapon has been connected to the omega weapon which has been connected to the satellite dish." He got up.

"So. That machine will erase everyone's memories, except for those who are under the barrier?" Piper was making sure.

"Exactly. I set it to erase the past 48 hours. No-one in Swellview will remember what happened after Henry returned from Dystopia." Schwoz confirmed.

"Are we ready?" Piper looked as if she was about to cry.

"Are we sure we shouldn't erase her memory?" Ray was never a fan of her.

"Hey! Even if you had, it would only erase the past 48 hours!" Piper smirked.

Step 3:
Schwoz moved the dish so it would look straight up into the sky. "Let's get going. We have 15 seconds until the blast will hit the satellite so we have to be quick." Schwoz flicked the switch, waiting first for Ray to get onto the floor.

Once the switch was flicked, Schwoz and Ray hugged Jasper and Charlotte who had been hugging Henry and I. Piper hugged me also closing her eyes. My grip on Henry's hand tightened as we got ready.

"Time to project and protect." I spoke, earning a smile from Henry.

Within seconds, Henry and I were using all our might to create two barriers that shortly became one. As the blast hit the satellite, I closed my eyes, using all my energy. After 2 minutes, we noticed that the blast had gone. I let go, falling to the floor before getting up.

"Is everyone ok?" I looked around at Ray and Schwoz who had been letting go of Charlotte and Jasper.

"Uh...guys...what happened?" Ray asked, confused.

"Ray...what's going on?" I was concerned.

"What just happened?" Ray looked around.

"Ray, what was the last thing you remember?" Charlotte looked at Ray.

"I-I remember...fighting Dr. Minyak...and seeing Henry...but after a blur." Ray was rubbing his head.

"" I ran over to Ray who looked at me.

"Haha! Got you! I made you think I had lost my memory!" Ray laughed, leaving me angry.

"Really Ray?!" I punched him.

"Hahah. Yep." Before he could punch me back, I used my force-field to stop him.

"Now. It's time to erase the video." Charlotte spoke as she got the video up and clicked the delete button.

"Done. Now no-one will every be able to find the video." Charlotte smiled.

"It's finally over...we've finally protected Swellview..." Henry wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss as everyone just watched.

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