Chapter 23- Team up

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It had been over a year since I was thrown in jail for the attempted murder of not only Captain Man and Kid Danger, but the entirety of Swellview.

I was finally being released. Even though I had to go to anger management classes, I was still focused on coming up with a good revenge plan. Captain Man and Lady Danger won't stand a chance against me. Now...the only thing I was missing was a good partner.

I needed to find someone who hated Captain Man as much as me. The problem was, half the villains in Swellview were either dead or in prison, courtesy of Captain Man and Lady Danger. The good thing was that Kid Danger was dead, so I only had to deal with Captain Man and his new stupid sidekick, Lady Danger.

Henry watched the news in shock, he had never been scared for his own safety this much.

"Ray...Drex has been released from prison..." He looked up at the TV.

"No way!" Ray sat next to Henry as Amy handed each of them a drink.

"Yep. It's been over a year since he attempted to murder us and the entirety of Swellview." Henry spoke.

"Great. Our biggest enemy is out of jail with a possibility of trying to attack us." Henry continued panicked.

"Don't worry Hen. We have your powers, plus my powers, plus Ray's powers. We're all good." Amy kissed Henry's cheek, making a very good point.

"Wait...Drex doesn't know that Henry or Kid Danger is still alive. All he knows is that only Captain Man survived..." Jasper reminded them.

"Oh yeah..." Henry smiled slightly, having some hope that this would be a victory for their team and not Drex.

I entered the town of Swellview. I had checked all neighboring towns for Captain Danger, but had no luck before now. Swellview was my last stop.

"U-Uh guys...who's that?" Jasper pointed to the person in a beige trench coat who looked angry.

"!" Henry panicked.

"I-Is that...him?" Amy gave Henry a concerned looked.

"Everyone...that is ex-partner from Dystopia. He's the bounty hunter." Henry announced, now extremely worried.

"I think we need to get Henry to the apartment. It's safer there now. Spark has more of a chance to find him here." Charlotte spoke as she looked at the footage.

"I agree." Ray spoke, standing up.

"No! I have to fight him. I have to show him that in this town, I'm the bounty hunter." Henry objected, heading towards the tubes.

"Henry, no!" Amy stopped Henry before he put a piece of gum in his mouth.

"Ray...zap him!" Amy ordered Ray to do it and Ray was happy to.

"What! No-" Before Henry could continue, Ray zapped him. "I'm so sorry Henry..." Amy kissed his forehead before they all made an attempt to carry the tall and heavy boy.

"Let's try and get him to the new apartment without hurting him or getting caught by Spark." Amy insisted. It took a while, but with the help of everyone, we got Henry to the apartment, Amy staying with him until he woke up.
Pathetic. I never liked small towns. Now, cities like Dystopia are more my speed, killing people, hurting them...ah, I love it.

I walked down more streets of Swellview. I saw people avoid me. Dogs barked at me and birds would fly away as soon as they saw me. As I made my further into town, I noticed an angry looking man, with a dinosaur hand.

"Beat it!" He growled at me. I pulled gun on him.

"I'm looking for a man named Captain Danger." I announced.

"Captain Danger? I'm looking for a man named Captain Man..." The guy growled.

"Maybe they're the same person..." I suggested.

"What did Captain Man do to you?" I asked.

"He got me thrown in jail." The man once again growled.

"What did Captain Danger do to you?" The man asked.

"He tried to get my employer arrested." I spoke.

"How about, we work together to take them down?" The man asked, making me smiled.

"Deal. I'm Spark by the way." I held out my hand.

"I'm Drex." He shook my hand.

"Captain Man, Lady Danger and Captain better watch your backs. Spark and Drex won't stop until all three of you are dead." Drex spoke, smirking.

Lady Danger//Henry DangerWhere stories live. Discover now