Chapter 11- Graduation

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I, like Charlotte and Jasper, were finally graduating from Swellview High School. I had been asked to be Valedictorian, and I accepted, making sure it was ok to include Henry into my speech. We had just under 2 days until we graduated. The funny thing was, Piper had so much credit from summer school that she could graduate early with us, even though she's only 14.

Luckily for me, villains attacking Swellview was slowly becoming smaller, but there were some people who just attempted petty theft or breaking into peoples houses.

"So? How's your speech going?" Charlotte asked as she sat down on the couch in the Man Cave.

"I've nearly finished writing it, but I want your opinion on the end of the 1st small paragraph..." I handed her the piece of paper, smiling.

As she began to read, the alarm went off.

"Let's see what's going on..." I pressed the button, letting the person speak.

"This is the Captain Man hotline. How can he help?" I asked, hearing heavy breathing.

"There is someone building something in the old Frittle factory. He looks like he's wearing a yellow jacket and his hair is all wacky and weird..." The woman spoke quietly.

"The Time Jerker..." Both Charlotte and I spoke as we looked up the old location.

"What happened to the Frittle factory? Henry once told me that it was all anyone could ever talk about..." I was confused.

"After Henry and Ray found the stolen flavour of Frittles, he and Henry fought over which flavour was better, causing massive amounts of property damage. The only people who use the property now are criminals who have nothing better to do." Charlotte announced.

"I need to go. Get Ray on the coms and see where he is." I grabbed my gum tube, putting a piece in my mouth as I began to chew, eventually blowing a bubble that popped and transformed me.

I ran over to the tubes, pressed my belt buckle and looked up. "Up the tube!" I shouted, immediately being shot up from the ground.

After 45 minutes, Captain Man joined up with me, helping me fight The Time Jerker, but he was too smart and he barely escaped, getting away.

"Damn it! Ray...why weren't you here right away?" I asked, getting back to the Man Cave with him.

"I was on a date! I'm sorry that me having a love life is a bad thing." Ray argued.

"As long as you aren't late on future missions, I don't mind. Also...are you coming to the graduation ceremony?" I smiled.

"Of course. I'd never miss you, Charlotte and Jasper graduating...and Piper." Ray smiled, hugging me.
I woke up super early, getting to the Man Cave. I checked everything, making sure no criminal activity was present, or at least...barely. Once I knew that everything was fine, I made my way to the school, seeing Charlotte helping some of the teachers set up.

"Is Jasper here?" I earned a no from Charlotte.

"Oh and by the way, with your speech...I had time to read what you wanted me to and I just wanted to Henry really graduating?" Charlotte was confused.

"I found out that because Henry missed too much school, being Kid Danger, he wasn't going to graduate, but I convinced the principal to let him since he was missing school to protect everyone in Swellview." I smiled.

"That's so sweet Amy. Are you going to receive his diploma on his behalf?" Charlotte hung up a few streamers.

"That's what I wanted to ask you. I have asked the principal if you, Jasper, Piper and I could receive the diploma on his behalf...and he agreed." I smiled.

"I'd love to Amy." Charlotte hugged me.

After an hour, the gym started to fill up with guests. I could see Ray sitting next to Henry's parent's concerning me a little bit, but as it should have, the ceremony went right on schedule.

"And our Valedictorian, Amy Smith." The principal welcomed me up on stage. I started my speech, getting laughs from the audience, but here's where I got teary.

"Now, as we all know, one of our classmates, Henry Hart, couldn't be here today, for obvious reasons. He wasn't going to graduate at first, because of all the school work he missed, but...with a little bit of convincing..." I gestured for Jasper, Piper and Charlotte to come up. Jasper was confused.

"...Jasper, Piper, Charlotte and I are going to accept his diploma on his behalf." The principal held out Henry's diploma, giving it to us. We stood in a line, Jasper and Piper in the middle as we smiled for the camera, holding Henry's unravelled diploma.

After a few more minutes, I finished. "We did it! Congrats to every graduate!" I lifted up my cap, throwing it in the air.

"And congratulations to Henry Hart, who may not be here today, but did just as well as us." I smiled, looking up at the sky.
3 days had passed since Graduation. Everyone, including me had cleaned out their lockers and now it was time to truly say goodbye. Henry's diploma was framed and hung on his bedroom wall, right next to a picture of Ray, Jasper, Charlotte, Schwoz, me and himself.

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