Chapter 8- Suspicions

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Something wasn't right. Ray wasn't telling us something and I was going to find out what. First thing. Check Ray's phone. I saw it laying on the control panel, just sitting there. Before I had a chance to grab it, Ray got to it first.

"Whatcha doin'?" Ray asked as he looked at his phone.

"Nothin'" I replied.

"Just...lookin' up how to dance..." He responded.

"Yeah. You really need to get better after you failed miserably when Frankini put a musical curse over Swellview." I roasted him slightly.

"Don't judge me! But seriously...were you trying to sneak a peek at my phone? Cause if so, that's a breach of boss and employee privacy." Ray made up some random official name.

"Boss and employee privacy? Since when?" I asked, confused.

"Since...just now." He quickly left the room.

"Hey Char. Have you seen Ray?" Jasper walked into the room.

"He just left...very suspiciously..." I was still curious as to why he was being so secretive.

"If you want to find out what he's hiding, you need to be way more cautious. Make him forget about his phone." Schwoz made an excellent point.

"Great idea! But how?" I asked, confused.

"I have a weapon that can erase part of peoples memory. It will only erase as much as we want. So, we set it to erase the memories of him putting his phone down." Schwoz showed me the weapon.

"Brilliant! I'll call Ray in here." I turned around.

"RAY!" I screamed, getting his attention.

"What! Is the alarm going off?" He panicked.

"No. Schwoz just has a weapon he wants to test on you. It's a weapon that can make your eyes see in the dark. The blast is too powerful for anyone else to handle, and since you're're our best tester" I tried to convince him.

"What about Amy? She's indestructible as well you know?" He was confused.

"She's at home and won't be coming in today..." I was trying to make up the best excuse.

"Alright! Fine. I'll do it...but it has to be quick." Ray stood still.

"It'll only be a minute." Schwoz got the weapon ready.

"Put your phone down might get blasted." I suggested. Once he put it down, he got ready.

"3...2...1...blast!" Schwoz spoke as a white light hit Ray hard. He resisted for a second before opening his eyes.

"How do you feel?" I asked, hopeful. "What happened?" Ray asked, looking around.

"You helped Schwoz test out a new weapon." I spoke, nervous. "Cool. What was it supposed to do?" He asked.

"It was supposed to give you night vision?" I lied. "Can we test it out?" Ray became excited.

"Sure! Schwoz...get the lights?" I asked. He smiled as he switched the lights off. "Can you see anything Ray?" I asked.

"Damn it! I can't see. It's completely dark!" Schwoz turned the lights back on. "Maybe I'll have to adjust the weapon." Schwoz walked off.

"Wait, what was I doing before I was testing the busted weapon?" Ray asked, making me think quickly.

"Oh, you were going up to Junk 'N' Stuff to help Jasper." I lied. The machine must have worked since he went along with my lie, as if there was nothing strange going on. I watched as Ray walked over to the elevator, completely oblivious.

"So. It worked. What now?" Schwoz came back into the room.

"I'm going to snoop through his phone and see if there is anything that could lead me to his secret." I grabbed his phone that rested on the couch.

" long do I have until the weapon wears off?" I asked, worried.

"Don't worry. You have a good 4 hours until his memory comes back and he forgets the whole last 10 minutes. The last thing he'll remember is coming into the room to test the memory weapon." Schwoz assured me.

"Good. Hopefully Captain Man isn't needed within the next 4 hours." I plugged his phone into the control system.

"So. What are we looking for?" Jasper walked into the room.

"Jasper! Aren't you supposed to be up in the store? Isn't Ray up there?" I asked, worried.

"He basically pushed me down here and said that he wanted to run the shop for a while." Jasper admitted.

"Anyways. Now that Ray has no memory of putting his phone down, I can look through any contacts, emails, phone calls, anything that looks strange or suspicious. Sooner or later, I'll have some proof that he's hiding something from us." I began my search as Jasper grabbed some food.
2 hours passed and Jasper looked up.

"Did you find anything?" He asked.

"Well. The last 3 emails that he sent talked about not letting anyone know a secret, but the address he emailed it to no longer exists. His recent phone calls led to a burner phone that is no longer active. And you may be thinking, what about texts...well, he texted a burner phone, but it's not the same number as the last burner phone and it also is no longer active." I rubbed my forehead, completely stuck.

"Well...Ray really covered his tracks." Schwoz chimed in as if he was on a timer.

"It's official. I still have no proof that Ray is hiding something." I was frustrated.

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