Chapter 21- Apartment shopping

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As Amy had kind of promised, no-one knew that I was staying in Swellview. I had spent most of my time at my house, since Piper was at college and my parents were on a vacation. Amy hadn't said a word to anyone, making them believe that I had gone back to Dystopia.

"I'm gonna head off to work now. Just text me if you need me. Also, please start looking for places." Amy kissed my cheek as she climbed out my window.

Since Amy was no longer a high-school student and I technically neither was I, we had arranged to look for apartments that were in Swellview. I had spent 30 minutes looking for places, but I decided to actually look.

It was hard having to keep the fact that my boyfriend was currently hiding out in his old room. Since his ex-partner was on the hunt for him, Henry assured me that he had never told his partner where he came from which calmed me down a little bit.

"So...did you and Henry figure things out?" Charlotte asked as she saw me walk through the elevator doors.

"Yeah. We both agreed that he needed to continue living in least until it's safe here. He said he'll text me whenever he can." I smiled, lying.

"I'm glad that you and Henry are still together..." Charlotte hugged me.

"Did Henry tell you about his partner?" Charlotte asked. His ex-partner.

"Yeah. Apparently they fought a lot of crime together." I spoke, smiling, knowing that Charlotte would've freaked out if she knew the truth about Henry's so-called partner.

"Aww dang it! Is Henry gone?" Jasper asked, seeing that it was just me and Charlotte.

"Yeah? Why?" I was confused.

"Cause...I had so many questions to ask him..." Jasper seemed sad.

"Maybe if you give me your questions, I can text them to him?" I asked.

"You're texting him?!" Jasper was excited.

"Do you want him to answer the questions or not?" Jasper handed me the page long list of questions that he had for Henry.

"Shall I burn this for you?" Charlotte whispered as I nodded, handing the paper to her.

"I thought you wouldn't have come in today Amy?" Ray asked as he made his way up to the controls.

"I just wanted to distract myself from the fact that Henry's back in Dystopia..." I said, smiling less and less.

As I sat down, enjoying the peaceful day, Henry texted me.

Henry: Hey, I found an apartment that is perfect for couples! Check it out.

He sent me a picture of it. 1 bedroom, an ensuite bathroom, a walk in closet, a spare guest bedroom, a kitchen large enough for two people and a living room. Nice work Henry.

Amy: Looks great! Email the building owner and let them know that we're interested.

Henry: On it.

I had another look at the photo.

"Someone's looking for an apartment!" Jasper spoke as he stopped looking at my screen.

"What? Who?" Ray was confused.

"Amy." Jasper took my phone and showed them a photo.

"Since when were you looking for an apartment?" Charlotte asked.

"Only since this morning..." I spoke.

"This looks like a very spacious apartment, room for two people. Who you gonna live with?" Ray was curious.

"Is it Henry?" Jasper asked.

"No. It isn't Henry. He's back in Dystopia...remember?" I stopped Jasper.

"You know, I was thinking about living with Piper when she's graduated from college. We've become closer since Henry died and came back and I wanted to continue our relationship by living with her if and when she returns to Swellview." I lied.

"Well...sounds fair." Jasper smiled as he and Ray left the room.

"Why didn't you consider me to be your room mate?" Charlotte was upset.

"Well...look. The apartment I'm looking at has a guest bedroom that has more than enough room for two queen sized beds, meaning you and or Jasper can visit anytime you want. I'll also put a nice pull out bed in the living room so when you guys aren't over, it turns into a couch." I assured Charlotte that I did consider her.

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