Chapter 16- Trouble with bad guys

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"Hey...why is Dystopia on the news?" I asked, looking over at Charlotte, Amy and Jasper who ate some pizza.

I was worried. The last time I heard about Dystopia, I heard that 2 police officers were shot dead by one of Dystopia's worst criminals.

"I don't know. Maybe it's good news and not another shooting." Charlotte seemed more hopeful.

"Well folks, it seems as if Dystopia has gained a new superhero." Trent reported.

"Woah! Really?" Jasper seemed confused.

"You don't think that-" Charlotte was sounding insane, but right.

"-No! That isn't possible! Henry died over a year ago!" For once, Jasper seemed to be the only person thinking sensibly.

"Damn it! The alarm shouldn't be going off right now!" I panicked as I looked for an exit as the bad guys attempted to get away.

I saw a bad guy with a gun in his hand about to shoot his way out of the building, so I ran after him.

"I think it's time to go..." He spoke, pointing the gun at me. As I was about to fight the bad guy, a news crew saw me, attempting to get a report.

"Not the right time!" I punched the bad guy. The bad guy punched back, missing me as I used my powers to avoid him.

"So, how long have you been a superhero for?" One of the reporters wouldn't give up.

"Much longer that I wanted to be." I revealed, not giving a specific time period.

It's been 6 years since I oathed my life away.

"Henry, you have a sharp eye. Good instincts. A nice shirt. And you're brave." Ray smiled as he stood in front of me as Captain Man.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"You have all the qualities I'm looking for" Ray

"But, I...I don't..." I was confused.

"You're the one, Henry" Ray placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Everybody gets old some day, even Captain Man. I can't protect our town, Swellview, from bad guys, bad things. There are maniacs, all dangerous to the good citizens of Swellview." Ray looked off into the distance.

"Well, yeah, but we've got you to stop 'em" I spoke.

"True. But I'm not as young as I used to be." Ray sighed. "I'm almost 34. I need help. And, some day, someone's gonna have to take over for me" Ray seemed upset.

" me?" I asked.

"What do you say, Henry? Do you want to be my sidekick?" Ray questioned me, smiling a tiny bit.

"How much does it pay?" I was curious.

"$9 an hour" Ray revealed.

"Whoa!" I was happy and shocked.

"I know, right?" Ray smiled.

"Place your left hand over your right lung...and repeat after me...I, Henry Hart" Ray began. I did what he asked.

"I, Henry Hart" I copied.

"Pledge to be an awesome sidekick to Captain Man..." Ray spoke.

"Pledge to be an awesome sidekick to Captain Man..." I copied.

"And to never ever, ever, tell anyone that I am Captain Man's secret sidekick" Ray spoke.

"And to never ever tell anyone that I am Captain Man's secret sidekick." I copied.

"You left out one "ever" Ray added.

"Ever" I also added.

"It is done" Ray smiled, giving me a handshake.

From then on, no matter what I sacrificed, being Kid Danger always became a priority.

"Now. If you'll excuse me...I have to go before I'm hunted down and killed by bounty hunters." I quickly ran off after defeating the bad guy, hoping no bounty hunters saw me.

Getting to my usual hideout, I began to relax. I pulled out a photo of Amy that always stayed in my pocket.

"I miss you Amy..." I looked carefully at it before putting it away.

"Do I need to get tissues or something?" I heard a familiar voice come through the hallway.

"Nope. No tissues needed." I wiped my eyes.

"Oh, by the way, nice news report..." The voice spoke, still shrouded in darkness.

"Thanks. They are a pest though. I can never seem to save the day without them making a big deal out of it." I complained. I missed Trent and Mary. They'd always report on Captain Man and not me.

Lady Danger//Henry DangerWhere stories live. Discover now