Chapter 6- Indestructible Amy

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Amy walked into Junk 'N' Stuff, preparing to head down to the Man Cave, until she noticed what Jasper had been moving around.

"Uh...what is that?" She asked, seeing a giant metal thing.

"This is a cannon that Ray bought 3 years ago. He's gonna sell it to a super rich dude who lives in England." Jasper smiled.

"Just be careful. We don't want another Henry situation..." Charlotte spoke.

"Henry situation? What happened?" Amy was now curious.

"Ok. So as usual, Henry did something he wasn't supposed to. He used the Trans Molecular Densitizer, which made him indestructible, like Ray. A couple of hours after, Ray had brought the canon into the shop here, and started telling us about it. Jasper moved it so it faced Henry, before Ray accidentally made the canon shoot a canon ball. It hit Henry so Ray rushed over and for a solid minute cried over the fact that Henry was seemingly dead...until Henry moved his body and said 'I'm okay.' This really upset Ray, since Henry had become indestructible behind Ray's back. Unfortunately, side effects occurred, forcing Henry to give up being indestructible." Charlotte explained the whole situation.

"Huh...Henry never told me about that." Amy shrugged her shoulders, starting to help Charlotte and Jasper move a few things.

As they managed to get some smaller items moved, it was time for the canon. Jasper and Charlotte moved the canon, making sure to be safe.

"Hold on. I need to take this." Jasper begun to take the call, moving around as he talked.

As Amy moved a few piles of books, she sat down for a minute to catch her breath before continuing.

"No! I thought the same thing! It was-" As Jasper turned around, he placed his hand on the canon, his hand resting on the chain that would release a canon ball. Without thinking, Jasper moved his hand, taking the chain with him as a canon ball immediately flew out of the canon, hitting Amy. She flew to the back of the shop, hitting the wall before falling to the floor.

"AMY!" Both Charlotte and Jasper yelled as they ran over to her limp body.

"Do you think she's dead?" Jasper asked, scared.

"She has to be. You can't survive being hit by a 10 tonne cannon at 25m/h without dying unless you're Captain Man!" Charlotte panicked.

"We need to go get Ray!" Jasper quickly headed to the back, Charlotte following him.

As Charlotte and Jasper entered the elevator, Amy started to get up, no longer feeling any pain.

"I'm totally fine..." She was dizzy for a bit before smiling. "Guys?" She walked outside the shop, wondering where Jasper and Charlotte went.

As she wondered outside the shop, Ray ran out of the elevator, followed by Jasper, Charlotte and Schwoz.

"Where did she go?" Jasper asked, confused.

"Are you sure this canon hit her?" Ray looked around.

"Look! There is ashes remaining from the canon ball. This is definitely where she landed." Charlotte pointed out the canon ball residue.

"Then where is-" They all turned around, looking for Amy, until she smiled.

"-Hey...where did you guys go?" She asked, confused.

"How are you alive? You were hit with a 10 tonne canon ball at 25m/h! It should've killed you!" Charlotte was shocked.

"Let me're perfectly fine?" Ray asked as Amy nodded her head.
"So what is this experiment supposed to do?" I asked, confused. We had been down in the Man Cave for an hour.

"It's comprised of 3 parts. Part 1 is the indestructible test. We'll do things to Ray and do the same thing with you to see if you two react the same way. Part 2 is the scan. This scan will tell us if there are any additional powers that we might need to know about. Part 3 only happens if the scan from part 2 comes back with results. This includes testing any powers that the scan might show." Schwoz explained.

"Ok..." My nerves kind of settled.

"Part 1 in session. Indestructible test!" Schwoz shouted. He placed Ray next to me, grabbing two bats. He hit Ray in the head, getting no physical responses of deadly pain.

"I'm ok!" He smiled.

I could feel the bat near my head. Schwoz did the same test on me. I winced a little before I felt no pain.

"I'm ok too!" I smiled.

"So. She's now indestructible." Schwoz marked a piece of paper.

"Part 2 in session. Power scan!" Schwoz shouted. He placed a rod in front of my body, spending the next 2 minutes putting it up and down as a blue light glowed.

"Ok. The scanner is showing that Amy does have some additional powers, just give me a minute." He looked closer.

"Ok. She has Hyper Motility like Henry did, she has a Force Field Barrier like Henry did, but she has an addition to her abilities, Danger-sense. It's basically like the Thunder-sense that Phoebe and Max Thunderman have, just...not as extreme." Schwoz concluded.

"Part 3 in session. Power test." Schwoz shouted for the last time." He began with Hyper Motility. Schwoz made me and Ray fight, my hyper mobility helping me defeat him, as I moved faster than him.

Once he marked the piece of paper again, he moved on to the Force Field Barrier. He grabbed a laser and pointed it at me, threatening me. I clenched my fist and created an invisible pink barrier around my body before the laser could hurt me. The only way people would be able to tell that I was using this power was if they looked at my fists.

For the last test, he enlisted the help of Ray, Jasper and Charlotte to throw items at me. They began throwing tennis balls at my head. After the 3rd throw from Ray, I caught every ball while looking in the opposite direction. Schwoz marked the piece of paper.

"What is the diagnosis?" Ray asked as Schwoz handed him the paper.

"Well, Amy. Not only are you permanently indestructible with no physical side-effects, you also have perfect health as well as Hyper Motility, Force Field Barriers and Danger-sense." Ray gave me a run down of everything that was going on with me.

"I have all that plus the weapons from being Lady Danger? Awesome! I'm more powerful than Ray!" I was super excited, but also nervous.

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