Chapter 13- A trip to remember

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"Ugh! Can someone help me get this glitter off my face?" Amy asked as she entered the Man Cave, Ray following her.

"Charlotte!" Ray called out, getting a scared response from Charlotte.

"What? Is someone on fire? Is there an emergency?" She asked, panicking.

"Can you get this glitter off our faces?" Ray asked as Charlotte looked at him pissed.

"You called my name, knowing that I would come into the room scared and panicking, only to ask me to get the glitter off your face?" Charlotte asked.

"And everywhere else..." Ray added.

We sat down, Charlotte getting a vacuum. She spent the next 20 minutes vacuuming our clothes until she stopped, having not wanted to do the job anymore.

"So. How do we get the rest of the glitter off our face?" Amy asked.

"We transform and boom, no more glitter!" It was a stupid plan, but they had to try it. They put gum in their mouths, beginning to chew.

"Pause." Amy spoke as she stopped chewing the gum that was in her mouth. She answered the call that had interrupted their transformation.

"No! I don't know where Piper is." She hung up the phone. "Continue." She and Ray continued chewing, eventually beginning to blow a bubble just as Piper came down the tube, hitting the floor. She looked up and saw a glimpse of Amy before she transformed into Lady Danger.


"Hey Piper..." Ray casually waved to Piper. She returned the wave, now turning her attention back to Amy.

"How come you or Henry never told me you were Lady Danger?" Piper seemed hurt.

"How did you know about the Man Cave?" Amy was shocked.

"This is the exact same way I found out that Henry was Kid Danger." She revealed.

"But, what were you doing coming down here in the first place?" Amy asked.

"Well, I wanted someone to take me to the airport so I could catch my flight to Florida." Piper admitted.

"Don't you have a car...and an illegal drivers license?" Amy made a good point.

"My car is in the shop being repaired...and I promised Henry that I wouldn't drive until I turned 18. Anyways, I was coming down here to ask if Charlotte or Jasper or Ray could drive me, but here you you can drive me to the airport and explain." Piper grabbed my arm and started to walk to the tubes.

"Let me de-transform first!" Amy pulled away. Doing the normal thing, Amy put a piece of gum in her mouth, chewing, blowing, popping, before becoming her normal self, glitter free.

"Hey, Ray, the transformation worked! No glitter!" Amy smiled. Before she had time to do anything, Piper dragged her to the tubes and spoke.

"Up the tubes!" They both flew up the tubes, eventually getting to their destination. Amy's car.

"" Piper expected me to talk about what happened earlier. I didn't say anything.

"And I was just starting to like you being Henry's girlfriend." Piper smiled.

"Fine. Ask me anything." I spoke.

"Ok. How did you find out that Henry was Kid Danger?" Piper asked.

"He told me. He sat me down in his room and told me." I admitted.

"So he told you, but I found out by accident?" She asked for clarification.

"Yes. When I was told, we had been dating for 2 months..." I started the car, pulling out of the Junk 'N' Stuff parking lot.

"Were you Lady Danger while Henry was still alive?" Piper was asking some good questions.

"No. I had been working with Charlotte and Jasper behind the scenes, dealing with tracking and technical stuff." I remembered all those days when I worried about losing Henry.

"How did Ray react to you finding out that Henry was Kid Danger?" Piper seemed curious.

"He was the one who convinced Henry to tell me, since he had met me once before as the owner of Junk 'N' Stuff. He acted as the owner, wanting to see if I was a good person to know about their secret." I remembered the day I met Ray.

"Ray, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Amy. We've been together for a month." Henry wanted Ray to know the word girlfriend specifically.

"Did Charlotte or Jasper ever ask you about telling me your secret?" Piper wanted to know if Charlotte and Jasper had any thoughts.

"No. They wanted the secret kept from you as much as Henry did." I hated admitting that.

"O-Ok. When did you become Lady Danger?" Piper was acting more like a confused parent now.

"About a year after Henry/Kid Danger died. I had asked Ray to be his new sidekick, wanting to continue the work that Henry had done. He said no, but while he was away, I kinda became Lady Danger against his orders." I had never told anyone how I became Lady Danger.

"Last question. Do you have any powers? Like Ray?" Piper was becoming excited.

"Yes. I do. I have 4 powers. Hyper Motility like Henry, Force Field Barrier like Henry, Indestructibility like Ray, and my own power...Danger-sense." I revealed.

"Can-" Before I let Piper continue, we had arrived at the airport.

"-I'll show you another time." I smiled. Piper got her bags out of the car as I got out myself.

"Amy..." Piper stopped. "Yes?" I asked, smiling.

"I think I'll miss you the most..." She hugged me. This was weird. Piper hated hugging people, even her own mom.

"Really?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah. You may have kept a big secret from me, but ever since you met Henry, you became the sister I never had." She smiled, pulling away.

"Same Piper...same." I watched as she walked off towards her flight, her suitcase and bags in hand.

Lady Danger//Henry DangerWhere stories live. Discover now