Chapter 14- A crazy reality

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Waking up like normal, I looked around, noticing something off.

"This isn't-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before my phone ran. Amy.

"What is going on..." I answered the phone.

"H-Hello?" I heard my voice on the other end.

"Charlotte! You need to get down to Junk 'N' Stuff. Henry and Ray are fighting again and I can't get them to stop!" Amy sounded panicked.

"H-Henry? What are you talking about Amy?" I was even more confused now.

"Just get down here!" Amy hung up the phone.

What just happened? Why was Amy calling me Charlotte? I'm Amy! And how is Henry alive? He died over a year ago! My mind kept racing with different thoughts. I got out of bed, searched through Charlotte's closet and made my way to Junk 'N' Stuff.

Getting down to the Man Cave, I saw Amy trying to pull Ray and Henry off each other while Jasper and Schwoz ate popcorn and laughing.

"What's going on!" I walked off the elevator, immediately seeing Henry and Ray stop.

"Henry bet that he was better at fighting than me, so I put him to the test!" Ray spoke.

"They've been doing this for over an hour!" Amy complained.

"Ok. Something is wrong here...but I can't figure out what!" I started pinching myself.

"Why are you pinching yourself Char?" Henry seemed confused.

"I'm trying to swim in the ocean- what does it look like I'm doing Henry! I'm pinching myself to see if I'm in a dream!" I shouted.

"Why would you be in a dream?" Jasper asked, confused.

"Never mind!" I stopped.

"I'm just going to sit over there and focus on making sure no-one is in trouble!" I walked over to the monitors.

"Are you sure you're ok Charlotte?" Amy asked me. It was weird not seeing Amy and Henry hugging or kissing each other.

Just as I started messing with the controls, an alert caused Ray and Henry to leave as Kid Danger and Captain Man. Amy and Jasper went up to Junk 'N' Stuff, and Schwoz went elsewhere. Just to be sure, I checked my phone. The date was the exact same as it was when I went to sleep, it was still 2021. The weird thing was, Henry should've been dead. He died when Drex was defeated and the blimp was blown up. Feeling exhausted, I closed my eyes and promptly fell asleep.

I found myself in a zoo, a lion trying to eat me. "HENRY! You gotta save me!" I yelled. Henry reached out his hand, letting me take it before he pulled me up and over the wall, his hand positioned on my lower back. After the lion roared and Henry told it to shut up, he leaned in and kissed me. HENRY HART WAS KISSING ME!

"Oh...thank god it was just a dream!" I smiled as I jolted up, my phone now stuck to my face. Confused, I peeled it off, relaxing. How is it possible that, I Amy, as Charlotte, dreamt about kissing Henry, who is supposed to be dead?!

"What was just a dream?" I turned around and Henry was standing right in front of me as Kid Danger, causing me to quickly exit my chair and head towards the elevator.

"Lips! I gotta make outta here- I mean get outta here..." I continuously pressed the elevator button.

"I'll kiss you later- I mean catch you later!" I successfully escaped Henry before my situation became worse.

"Are you ok Char?" Amy asked as she watched me attempt to leave the elevator.

"I had a dream that Henry and I kissed!" I blurted out.

"" Not even Amy knew what to say.

"Do you like him?" Amy asked.

"Yes-NO!" I couldn't figure out what was going on. I rushed home and headed to my room.

"Ok. Here's what's happening. I woke up as myself in Charlotte's body. It's still 2021, even though Henry is alive, even when he died a over a year ago. Now that Henry is alive, I'm beginning to have weird dreams about kissing him. There is only two options as to what is happening. 1. The Time Jerker has figured out a way to send people to alternate universes OR 2. I've knocked myself out/fallen into a deep sleep or coma. The Time Jerker was arrested, so the only logical explanation is being knocked out, in a coma or a deep sleep." I sorted out my options.

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