Chapter 9- Past exes

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Like I do every morning, I said good morning to the plaque of Henry, smiling as I unlocked my locker, which happened to be Henry's old locker. I never usually see anyone at school this early, until this morning.

"And then I was like, oh my god! Are you really renewing this show for a second season?" I saw a blonde smiling as she walked along with a brunette.

"Yeah! I was super excited to work on the show!" The brunette smiled back. I closed my locker, making my way to the girls bathrooms down the hall. As I went to check my hair, the blonde and brunette opened the door, smiling.

"Hi. Sorry to startle you if I did..." The blonde spoke.

"You didn't startle me." I smiled.

"Oh, mind my manners. I'm Chloe and this is Bianca. We're both on the show 'Kids In The Woods'." Chloe spoke as she showed me a picture of the show.

"I'm Amy, Amy Smith." I introduced myself.

"C'mon Chloe! You can't avoid the truth forever!" Bianca pushed Chloe to talk.

"Amy, we're both Henry's exes. I was his first girlfriend before I started working on the show. Bianca was his second 'girlfriend' even though he could never commit to anything." Chloe smiled enough to seem genuine.

"Well...thanks for letting me know." I smiled before Bianca stopped me.

"Be careful. There's another girl, one of Henry's flings. Her name is Veronika. She has blue streaks in her blonde hair." Bianca warned me.

I walked out of the bathroom, going back to my locker to get my phone.

"Amy...are you ok?" Charlotte asked as she walked up to me.

"I just met Bianca and Chloe. The ex-girlfriends that Henry never told me about." I smiled sarcastically.

"Wait what?! They're back in Swellview?" Charlotte seemed shocked.

"Seems like it." I closed my locker.

"Please tell me you haven't met Veronika..." Charlotte was clearly panicking.

"No. But Bianca did warn me about her." I was glad that she did that.

"If you see her, run the opposite way before she sees you. Let's just say that she was not happy when Henry broke it off with her, and she hated him after he led Captain Man to her gang...but he did let her escape before eventually getting her arrested." Charlotte was happy that I hadn't seen her.

"Charlotte..." A sarcastic voice spoke behind her.

"Speak of the devil..." Charlotte whispered to me.

"I thought you were in juvie?" Charlotte turned around to see Veronika.

"Only for 10 months. Got out 2 days ago." She crossed her arms.

"And who's the little brunette who looks like she's about to pass out?" She directed her attention to me.

"None of your business..." Charlotte got closer to Veronika, upset.

"I'm Amy. Henry's most recent girlfriend. I understand that you and Henry never dated. You had a fling that lasted maybe a week...or less." I may have pissed her off.

"Oh, how is Henry by the way? Oh, right. He's dead. Deserves him right. He did get me arrested and all." Veronika smirked.

"He let you escape before getting you arrested." I fought back.

"Amy...calm down." Charlotte pushed me back a little.

"Aw...Amy needs Charlotte to calm her precious." Veronika rolled her eyes.

Charlotte directed her gaze to my hands and how they were glowing pink.

"Until next time...Veronika." Charlotte growled, forcing me to leave. I chose the worst situation to put myself in. Veronika talking about Henry deserving to be dead made me want to punch her, which is exactly what I did. My fist made contact with her face, knocking her to the floor.

"Amy!" Charlotte whisper-yelled to me, angry. She dragged me to the now empty girls bathroom, closing the door.

"Why would you do that?! She'll want to hurt you now!" Charlotte nearly hit me over the head with her hand.

"She can't hurt me. I'm indestructible and I have 3 additional powers!" I used my powers as an excuse.

"She doesn't know that!" Charlotte shouted quietly.

"Look. I won't attempt to fight her. The worst I'll do from now on is insult her. I will avoid her at all cost." I promised to Charlotte, who was finding it hard to believe me.

"Do you double-danger swear?" She asked.

A double-danger swear meant that if I broke my promise, Ray would be notified and he had the chance to make me do anything he wanted, from going on missions by myself...or massaging his feet.

"I double-danger swear!" I punched myself in the face after shaking Charlotte's hand.

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