Chapter 7- Another day, another fight

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After I found out that I was way more powerful than even Captain Man himself, I promised both Ray and myself that I wouldn't use my powers unless I was Lady Danger. If I needed to fight, I would only use my karate skills.

Once again, was somewhat late to school. I had been late for the past 2 days, since crime activity early in the morning became a thing, which meant that I was getting up for 'work' at 6am.

"We all miss you Henry." I spoke to the plaque of Henry that rested in the middle of the hallway, right besides the front entrance to the school. It had one photo of Henry, with either side showing himself as normal and himself as Kid Danger.

"You talkin' to that plaque makes me sick!" A taller girl spoke as she walked up to me.

"I'm sorry, that me talking to a plaque makes you sick...but if I wanna do it...I'm gonna do it." I replied, not scared.

"Try me princess." She mocked me.

"Fine. You, me, fight. Right here...right now." No one was going to make fun of me for missing my boyfriend.

She got ready, clenching her hands into fists. I got prepared, feeling the sense of my powers beginning to come out. I shook my head before she made the first move. She hit me, but because I'm indestructible like Captain Man, it didn't hurt, but I had to pretend it did. She kept attempting to hit me, but my fast reflexes stopped her. I moved from side to side, quickly avoiding every punch she attempted. After while, it was my turn. I used most of my karate skills on her, until she backed away. I thought she was going to stop, but she just got angrier.

"You're dead Smith!" She raced towards me. I clenched my fists before realising that a pink force field would appear around me if I did, so I stopped. She punched me as hard as she could. I fell to the floor, also knocking my head. After a few seconds, I just laid on the floor, completely fine while I pretended to be hurt as I groaned.

"Next'll be dead." She left the hallway.

"Yeah right." I scoffed once I knew she was gone.

"Oh my god Amy! Are you alright?" Charlotte asked as she ran over to me.

"What do you think?" I asked, standing up, no scratches, bruises or any sign of pain.

"Please tell me you didn't use any of your powers..." Charlotte looked worried.

I smirked. "Luckily, no. I used my karate moves but most of the time I just pretended to be hurt while she punched me thinking that I was in pain." I slightly laughed.

"Oh thank god! I was not wanting to tell Ray that you had used your powers." Charlotte smiled.

"Why would you have told Ray?" I was confused.

"Like Henry, you have a tendency to chicken out when it comes to telling Ray something bad." Charlotte crossed her arms.

"Fine. I guess you're right." I smiled.

"Woah...what happened? Becky Michelle just finished a story about how she wrecked you..." Jasper was confused.

"Do I look like I've been wrecked by Becky Michelle?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No..." Jasper went quiet.

"The worst she could do to me, is break a nail." I rolled my eyes.

"What did you just say about me?" Becky appeared behind me.

"Nothing Becky..." I rolled my eyes again. This time, Becky had brought a crowd.

As she attempted to hit me again, I felt my powers begin to appear, but with no luck, my fists had glowed pink, so I shoved my hands in my pant pockets, to hide the glowing. After a few seconds, Becky ran towards me like a bull attempting to hit me. Before she could get too close, she fell backwards, having collided with the force field barrier. I looked at her shocked, before walking away quickly.

"Please tell me I did not just see that..." Charlotte began to panic again.

"You did not just see that." Jasper's stupidity once again showing by his lack of common sense.

"I-I tried not to! I shoved my hands in my pant pockets! I didn't think that fighting a school bully would trigger my powers!" I began to freak out as I paced outside the school.

"Seriously? You were fighting the school bully. No matter if you're fighting a school bully like Becky or fighting an actual criminal as Lady Danger, your powers will appear. Your powers don't know the difference! It's all just fighting!" Charlotte was started to get annoyed and I could tell.

Lady Danger//Henry DangerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora