Chapter 15- A crazy reality (Part 2)

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Heading back to the Man Cave, I see that Jasper isn't here.

"Uh, guys? Where's Jasper?" Ray and Schwoz look at the wall behind me.

"Charlotte!" Jasper appears out of nowhere, a metal ring on his finger, scaring me.

"Jeez Jasper! Warn me next time!" I complained.

"Hey, what's that on your finger?" I asked, pointing to it.

"Ray calls it a Chameleon ring. Anyone who stands completely still while wearing this ring will become invisible!" Jasper explained.

"Cool! Can I try it on?" I asked as Jasper handed the ring to Henry.

"Sure!" Henry got down on one knee, holding my left hand as he put on the ring.

"What are you doing?" I was a little worried.

"Oh-Uh, there's a button on the ring-" Before Henry could finish, Ray, Schwoz and Jasper laughed.

"Hahah! Henry's asking Charlotte to marry him" Ray laughed hard.

"No he's not!" I pulled my hand away from Henry's.

"When they're married, I will call them...Chenry!" Jasper smiled.

"Excuse me! Obviously it's Henlette!" Ray objected.

"Hashtag Henlette!" Jasper seemed excited.

"We are not getting married!!" Henry looked at me weirdly.

I can't imagine how Charlotte would react to all of this!

"Not until you kiss you're not!" Schwoz added his thoughts.

"We aren't kissing!" I walked off towards the elevator.

"Runaway bride..." Ray made one final joke.

I got in, pressing the button furiously before the door closed, letting me go upstairs.

Charlotte seemed freaked out by what just happened. I mean, it was all just a joke but she wanted to leave as if it wasn't.

"Can you stay down here and watch the monitors? Jasper, Schwoz and I need to go up to Junk 'N' Stuff for a little bit." Ray asked. I agreed, going over to watch the monitors, except I was really tired so I fell asleep.

"I'm sorry that I acted weird earlier. I had a dream and I was kissing you in that dream and...I felt awkward." Charlotte apologised.

"It's fine. As long as everything is normal, it's water under the bridge." I spoke as I hit the ball so it went into the putt.

"How about a little bet." This didn't seem like Charlotte, but I was willing.

"Ok?" I smiled.

"If I miss this putt, you and I kiss." She finished, confusing me.

"Uh...what?" I was shocked and confused.

"Oops..." Charlotte purposely hit the ball off the green. She dropped her club, kicked mine away and got closer to me. She snaked her hand around my neck as she kissed me. CHARLOTTE PAGE WAS KISSING ME!

Jolting up from my dream, I looked around, noticing that no one was around. Thank god.

I dreamed about him again! I dreamed about Henry!

"Can you fix her?" I asked as Amy laid on a chair, not moving.

" might take some time..." Schwoz looked around.

"She's already been like this for 3 hours!" I argued.

"Do you want me to fix her or not?" He gave me a threatening face.

"Just hurry up" I demanded as Schwoz kept going. An hour had passed before he gave up, leaving me in the room praying that Amy would wake up.

After 15 minutes, I felt Amy's hand move. I saw her eyes open. She jolted up, panting.

"Hey...hey are you ok?" Charlotte asked as I sat up in the chair, panting.

I-I'm fine...just a little dizzy." I replied, calming down.

"What happened?" I asked, confused.

"You were knocked out..." Charlotte checked the monitor besides me.

"So...I knocked myself out?" I was happy.

"Uh-no. I found you on the floor of the Man Cave. When I went to check that you had no physical damage, smelt lavender on your clothes. The weird thing is, no one here, not even Schwoz or Jasper owns anything that directly smells like lavender. So I figured that there must have been something in the Man Cave that sprayed you. I looked around and found a little gas bottle next to the controls. The Time Jerker purposely put the bottle in the Man Cave so it would affect either you or Ray." Charlotte concluded.

"Is there anything I need to know about your dream?" Charlotte asked.

"Well...I was in your body as myself, within the dream I had dreams of Henry kissing me, and Henry was alive." I glossed over what happened.

"Wait what? Henry was alive? Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah. It was still 2021 in my dream, the only difference was Henry wasn't dead." I looked around.

"How about you go home a lay down. Maybe this whole 'dream' of yours will become a memory?" Charlotte suggested as she got me out of the chair. I made my way home, completely confused about the day I just had.

I got home, getting to my own bedroom. I got into bed, leaving my tracksuit pants on as I let myself sink into the bed.

I woke up, this time in my own bed, still as myself, but I was panting, as if I had just had a bad dream.

"Hey? Are you ok?" A deeper voice spoke as he got off the fluffy pink chair that rested opposite my bed.

"H-Henry?" I saw his piercing brown eyes, his red flannel shirt, his black pants, his dirty blonde hair that looked soft but stuck to one side. He was just as tall as before he died. He was definitely taller than Ray.

"Hey. Yeah. It's me." He sat on the bed, one of his hands now holding my own.

"This is just a dream isn't it?" I asked, sad.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm dead aren't I?" He laughed as he moved closer to me. I hugged him, crying as his hand went up and down my back.

"I-I'm scared Henry. I hate the idea of staring death in the face and narrowly escaping it. I mean...look what happened to you. We all miss you Henry." I spoke, kissing his cheek.

"I miss you guys too, but I miss you the most" He smiled.

"Piper considers me to be the sister she never had...and she hugged me." I revealed.

"Really? Piper doesn't even hug her own mother, let alone my girlfriend." Henry was shocked.

"'ll see me again..." Henry kissed me passionately before he let me lay back on the pillow.

"I love you Amy..." He spoke, standing up. My eyes closed and I was back asleep.

Walking up from my dream, I looked around, my pink fluffy chair had moved slightly. I looked up at the sky and smiled.

"I love you too Henry..." I smiled, thinking about my dream before laying back down again, this time fully awake.

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