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Everyone sat around the dinner table eating their separate servings of the meal, or at least some of them. Kai was unfortunately being affected by the venom of the Venomari tribe, and was hallucinating as a side effect.

"So then, just when we were gonna bite it, this huge mechanical robot--"

"Samurai. It was a samurai." Zane interrupted Jay as he was describing their latest mission to the Toxic Boggs. 

"A sama what?" Lloyd asked.

"Samurai. Highest level of warrior class." Sensei Wu explained, "They would protect nobility and serve with honor on the battlefield."

"He was a hundred feet high, with weapons coming out of every part of him." Kai exaggerated, "Look at Sensei's beard. It's moving like snakes."

Anirei shook her head, "How long until the effects of the Venomari spit wear off?" She asked.

"I agreed with Anirei." Nya said, "It's starting to get annoying."

Everyone looked strangely at Kai as he slapped a piece of food on his face.

"Okay, don't let this mysterious samurai cloud what's really important." Cole said changing the subject, "All the Serpentine are out, and if Pythor can unite them, the legend states some Great Devourer is gonna consume the land and--"

"Great Devourer?" Nya repeated questioningly.

"Whatever it is, it's a can of worms I don't wanna see open."

Lloyd groaned, shaking his head and looking down in his guilt, "Uhh, it's all my fault. If I hadn't opened the first hatch, none of this would've happened."

"What's done is done." Anirei said, "We cannot dwell on the past when it's the future we must look forward to."

"Anirei is right." Sensei Wu agreed, "We cannot change the past, but we can affect the future. At least we have the Sacred Flute in our possession, so--"

"Yeah. Ahem. About that..." Jay said nervously.

"Pythor sort of stole it." Zane confused, shocking everyone at the table.

"The last Sacred Flute gone?" Sensei Wu sighed, "You four are Ninjago's last hope."

Just then, the alarms wailed all throughout the bounty, drawing attention away from the conversation and up to the Bridge.

"Cold-vision must have caught something. That means the Serpentine are near." Nya said as they ran up to the bridge.

"Oh, no? Ninjago City?" Cole said.

Once they got to the Bridge, the group saw a holographic image of Ninjago and the four tribes' movements.

"How many are there?" Cole asked.

"Looks like all of them." Kai answered. 

"Pythor must be trying to unite them." Zane pointed out.

"Go. We mustn't let the five tribes unite." Sensei Wu ordered.

As the ninja ran off to prepare for the fight, Sensei Wu, Nya and Lloyd stayed on the Bridge to await their return. However, Lloyd felt something off in the room, as if there was an emptiness. He looked around and almost panicked when he didn't see his silver haired friend.

"Guys, where's Anirei?" Lloyd asked. Nya and Sensei Wu looked around and saw that the young girl was nowhere in sight.


Anirei, after the ninja had run off to begin their mission, ran off to her room. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that would not go away, and she knew that that feeling was linked to the ninja.

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