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As soon as Kai, Nya and Anirei got back to the Samurai X Cave, everyone gathered around to discuss what was happening with the Vermillion Warriors. They had heard that the best builders in Ninjago were taken by these strange snake samurai, which made the ninja all confused and curious about the reason behind it.

"So it looks like Acronix and Krux are working with those samurai snakes." Nya said.

"Or the samurai snakes are working for them." Anirei suggested.

"But why are they kidnapping all of Ninjago's builders?" Jay questioned.

"There's still way too much we don't know here." Cole said.

Nya noticed that her brother was pacing away from the group, his mind elsewhere, so she went over to talk to him. Anirei could understand why he was so occupied, since the idea of his parents being traitors has sunk into his head by Krux and Acronix. Even she had some idea of what he was feeling. Her parents spoke much about the other Elemental Masters, and even though she trusted them and they trusted her, they didn't speak much about their onw individual adventures. And when they did, it was always brief or connected to the Elemental Masters.

It always made her curious about her parents, but she never dared to question it.

"Hey, he's rebooting!" Cole called out and brought everyone back to Zane's side. Just then, Zane's eyes widened as he woke up.

"Four, seven, two, one..." That was all he could say before he lost consciousness once again, leaving everyone confused even more.

"This is bad. He's still damaged." Nya sighed, "You all should go back to the Airjitzu Temple while I figure out how to get Zane back online."

"Very well then, Elder Sister." Anirei said, "Let's hurry back to tell Lloyd and Master Wu what we've discovered."

Everyone nodded and Anirei raced back to the Airjitzu Temple with the rest of the team. Once they got to Temple, the guys decided to train while Anirei went inside to tell Lloyd and Master Wu everything that they learned. She walked into the temple and saw Lloyd walking up the stairs to see Master Wu.

"Lloyd." She called out and the boy turned around smiling sadly at his girlfriend. They gave each other a quick hug.

"I'm glad that came back all right." Lloyd said.

"How is Master Wu?" Anirei asked.

"Last I saw, he was still weak and sleeping. I'm just about to go check on him again. You comin'?" 

Anirei nodded, took him by the hand and walked up to Wu's room.

"Master Wu? It's Lloyd and Rei, can we come in?" Lloyd knocked on the door but received no answer.

"Master Wu? May we enter?" Anirei asked. When there was no response, she carefully opened the door to see Wu sleeping and Misako sitting by his side with a worried frown.

"How is he?" Lloyd asked.

"Still recovering." Misako answered.

"I can help with easing any kind of pain." Anirei offered.

"So little time, so many lessons!" Sensei Wu shouted as he sat up in bed with an abrupt start, "Fight with your back to the sun. Eight cups of water a day is a myth. You should have been there when I fought Acronix, but I-I--" Sensei Wu then fell back onto the bed and went to sleep.

"He is right." Lloyd said sadly, "I should have been at his side. I failed my master."

"Lloyd." Anirei put her hand on his shoulder, "This wasn't all on your shoulders, we were all there but we couldn't do anything with Acronix fighting us. All we can do now is try to stop the brothers before they can do anymore damage."

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