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The night was dark and stormy, lightning flashing through the darkened clouds and rain pounding against the deck of the Bounty. But while most of those living on the Bounty were inside dry and warm, Anirei stood outside on the rocking deck enjoying the rain pounding against her skin.

Most would call her strange, seeing as the rain was pounding hard enough to create small dents in someone's head. But Anirei.... all the elements of the world would never truly hurt her. Fire would just feel warm. Lightning would possibly give her a jolt of energy when it hits her. Earth would swallow most things while keeping her above depths. Ice that would freeze someone in their tracks would just make her a little chilly.

All elements have a balance, and to keep that balance, one must not permanently injure the one who keeps it. As for the rain that hit her, it was soft and gentle, like the gentle rain after a long drought.

She stared at the dark skies almost in relief that this battle was almost over. Once the Fangblades are destroyed, the dark future she had seen would never come to pass and the Great Devourer would never be awakened. But there was something about her visions that was set in stone. 

She would have to use her blades again. And that dragon..... Never had Anirei thought for even just a moment she would have to see that dragon. It was both relieving and terrifying. It meant that a great battle was coming, and that terrified her.

"You are worried more than before, Child." One of the voices said.

"If it troubles you that much, little one, then perhaps you should call upon them for advice."

Anirei shook her head, "I can't do that. I want them to rest easily, and if I ask them for advice on everything in the world, then they shall never close their eyes to rest." She sighed, "Besides, they are the only ones I can never reach."

The two voices inside of Anirei knew she was right. They would never be able to speak to her again unless she traveled to the spiritual plane herself, and Anirei was not strong or skilled enough to travel to another realm.

All of a sudden, she heard someone running down the deck stairs. When she turned to see who was there, she saw Cole heaving over the side of the deck. Even in the darkness of the rainy night she could still see his face being a sickly green color. Anirei smiled and walked over to him and gently rubbed his back, using a little bit of her power to balance him out so that he would not be so nauseous.

"Thanks, Anirei." Cole said as he heaved one last time before falling to his knees, "You really are something else."

Anirei chuckled, "Don't worry, soon everything will be okay." She said, "Your sense of balance should be back to normal, so you can sleep peacefully through the night without nausea."

"Thanks." Cole thanked again, shakily walking up the stairs again. Anirei decided to find Lloyd, knowing that he would be in the training room. 

Since he was to become the Green Ninja, he was excited to learn how to fight on his own so that he could be of more help to the team. When she got to the door and opened it, she saw Lloyd being thrown to the ground by the training dummy.

"Ow." Lloyd groaned looking back as Anirei laughed.

"Perhaps you should wait for more elbow room to start your training, Lloyd." She said, holding out a hand for him to take. As he was helped up to his feet, they both heard a laugh and saw a familiar enemy.

Pythor stood over them before disappearing again.

"What a joke." He hissed, "You always were a boy who chased stupid dreams."

Anirei stood in front of Lloyd, but before she would draw her blades, she was slapped away by his invisible tail just as Pythor picked Lloyd up by his collar and revealed himself once again.

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