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Anirei's eyes opened, seeing nothing but ice surrounding her, the cold biting her skin like a thousand needles pricking at her exposed skin. There was no way out of this icy prison, but she smiled when she saw the bright blue skies above with the soft snow fluttering down on her.

It was so peaceful. 

Just then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Anirei turned around and smiled when she saw her Elder Brother, half of his face gone, but he was still smiling nonetheless.

"Elder Brother Zane!" She exclaimed, clutching onto him in a tight hug. Anirei released him and spun around in the gentle snowfall.

"Do you see the beauty that we have brought to Ninjago?" Anirei asked happily, "Our family has defeated him! We have ensured a bright future for all those who stand underneath the sun of Ninjago."

Zane looked down sadly,knowing what happened to the two of them, "You didn't...." He started, his smile turning to a sorrowful frown, "You didn't have to follow me, Anirei."

"But I did." Anirei answered, turning back to her Elder Brother with another gentle smile, "I could not just leave you all alone like that, Elder Brother Zane. What if your soul was truly lost to the element? I could not let that happen. At least this way, I am able to help you until we can make you a brand new body."

"But what about you, Anirei?" Zane asked walking closer to her, "There is no way you have survived that. Have you truly left everyone to live without you? Have you made Lloyd cry?"

Anirei felt guilty for making Lloyd, her brothers, her senseis, all cry over her. Not only did they grieve over their lost brother, they grieved over her. It was a guilt that she could never truly atone for. But Anirei kept smiling, knowing that everything was going to be all right. She wrapped her arms around Zane and hugged him tightly.

"There is no need to worry about me, Elder Brother Zane, for light and darkness cannot exist without someone to help hold it." She said, "I know where I am to be kept and I will come back. That I promise not only to you, but to our brothers and Lloyd. The next they cry for us, will that of tearful joy."

However, the icy prison turned dark and Zane disappeared from Anirei's arms. Anirei panicked, not knowing what was happening. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. The pain got worse and worse, as if she was being pulled apart bit by bit.

"What's....." She gasped, hardly able to say a word. All she could see were red eyes of a snake before everything went black.


It had been several weeks since that fateful day in Ninjago City. The day that all of Ninjago lost two strong and precious lives. The people of Ninjago continued on with their lives freely, no longer relying technology and trying to better themselves with their own strengths. However, as the people continued to grow, the Ninja have become still not just in their hearts but in their sense of family. 

The loss of their brother Zane, the white Ninja of Ice, and their little sister Anirei, the silver Ninja of Balance, left a deep scar within them all. A scar that would continue to show no matter how hard they tried to hide it.

Soon after the memorial service for the fallen Ninja, the others left on their own separate paths, unable to cope with their loss. The only way they could cope with their loss, was to try and distract themselves in any way that they could.

Kai wanted to punch his feelings away, so he ran off and joined an underground fighting arena where he could fight as much as he wanted. Deep down he knew that it wouldn't help, but he continued to fight anyway.

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