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Anirei stood at the mountain where the truck she was chasing stood still, the Anacondrai that was driving it had slithered away and left her there in fear. Chen and his Anacondrai army were already at the villages taking them over, and she had no idea what was going to happen. All Anirei could feel at that moment was a terrible sense of dread falling upon her.

"Okay, Anirei, you need to focus." She said to herself, "You need to contact your brothers and your sensei."

She jumped into the truck and tried the radios to contact the others.

"Chen has-- Kai village-- Everyone--" Anirei heard Nya say, but her voice was cutting in and out, "Attacked First--- Nothing-- Stop them! Hurry-- Too late!" Suddenly, the radio buzzed out and all communications were cut off.

"Elder Sister Nya! Can you hear me? Elder Sister!" Anirei tried to connect, but it was no use. All communications were off. Anirei took a breath and calmed herself, her dragon wouldn't work if she wasn't balanced and calm. 

As she closed her eyes, she tried to imagine her dragon, but the sense of dread was far too much for her to stay focused. She couldn't form her dragon, but there was one thing she could do. She had done it with her Elder Brothers on the island. It should work now.

Anirei focused on her spirit, and her connection with her friends, mainly on Nya and her Sensei.


"They're attacking Jamanakai village. You have to stop them." Nya said through the radios, trying to connect with everyone from the newly renovated Bounty, "All communication is cut."

"If our fighters don't know where to go, who's going to stop my father?" Skylar said, and as if on cue, Chen appeared on the big screen.

"Hello." He said playfully, "As you can see, I've taken control of the airwaves, just as I'll take over Ninjago."

"You'll pay for this, Chen." Garmadon threatened.

"Brother, enough." Wu said as he took his older brother by the shoulder to calm him down, "What do you want?"

"A truce."

"Ha! Like the one the real Anacondrai wanted during the last war?" Garmadon laughed, "The truce that you destroyed by deceiving both sides?"

"I will honor my word, and no one will get hurt if you and everyone you know leaves Ninjago and never comes back. Oh, and surrender Anirei to me without a fight." Chen demanded.

"We're not leaving our home and we are not abandoning one of our one." Garmadon quickly denied the deal.

"Wait. Let us think about it." Wu said to everyone's surprise.

"How could you even entertain him?" Garmadon asked.

"Our Ninja are gone. We need more time. And the longer Anirei is away from him, the longer it will take for him to take her."

"You should listen to your brother, Garmadon." Chen said, "He's always had a way with words. Heh, heh. It convinced Misako, didn't it?" 

Garmadon's eyes went wide, remembering his betrayal to his brother because of the letter he took long ago.

"What's wrong? You look a little purple?" Chen laughed, "Oh, that's right. Once a snake, always a snake."

Garmadon slithered away, his head hung down in shame at his secret being revealed not by him, but by the enemy.

"Haven't you hurt enough people, father?" Skylar asked.

"What is he talking about?" Misako asked Garmadon, grabbing him by the arm.

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