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The next day, still in the past, the Ninja from the future watched as the Past Kai and Nya trained with the Past Anirei and Sensei Wu. Anirei was having a good time training with Nya, since she was the only one training at the moment.

However, with Kai...

"You must harness the fire deep within you, Kai." Sensei Wu instructed, just as Kai was hit with one of the sand bags.

"Ah. Yeah, yeah, yeah." Past Kai said, walking away in annoyance.

"Oh, I'm worthless." Kai groaned.

"It's like you don't even want to be a Ninja." Jay pointed out.

"Look, I told you: The only reason I became a Ninja was to rescue my sister." Kai said.

"If Kai doesn't learn to be a Ninja, our future will be destroyed." Zane explained.

"Ugh! Even when Garmadon does something good, it's always evil!" Cole groaned, "Sensei ain't cutting the mustard. Guess it's up to us to get things back on track."

"I thought you said not to get involved. "Change anything, change everything."" Jay said.

"That was before Garmadon altered the past and changed the future. Now we gotta clean up the mess. 

"He's right." Zane agreed, "The only way to save our future is for Kai to find his fire."

"But-- What're ya tryin' to say, Zane?"

"I'm saying, we have to give Kai his motivation back. We have to kidnap Nya and deliver her into the hands of the Skeleton."

Kai sighed, not liking the plan, but he had to follow it in order for time to be restored, "Ah, if that's what it takes. But if it's okay with you guys, I've got an idea on how I could talk some sense into myself."

They decided to wait until nightfall to continue with their plan, but in the meantime, they watched Anirei and how she interacted with the past.

"Come on, Nya, you almost had it." Anirei said, helping the older girl stand back up on her feet, "You still need work on your balance."

"Thanks for the advice, Vevila." Nya said, but kept staring at the mask Anirei wore, "If you don't mind me asking, why the mask?"

Anirei stood still, gently touching her mask, "I...uh, got hurt by those skeletons a while ago before I came here to train with Sensei." She made up an excuse, "It left a really bad scar, and I don't like others looking at it."

Nya frowned, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"It's all right, Nya. I get asked that a--" Anirei stopped when she felt a sharp pain in her chest, but she hid the pain well with a strained yawn.

"I think I'll go sleep for a little bit. A ninja can't strain their body too much, or else it could lead to consequences." Anirei said and went into the Monastery, before collapsing to her knees on the floor and clutching her chest in pain.

"The Fire.... it hurts...." She groaned.

"Child, are you in pain again?"

"Perhaps you should make an excuse to leave these Ninja. Their presence is causing you more pain than normal."

"I am fine.... I will just have to stay calm and balanced. Please help me tonight." Anirei said.

The voices sighed and waited for Anirei to fall asleep that night to help her become balanced once again.


Later on in the evening, Cole, Zane and Jay snuck into the Monastery and crept into Nya's room to start the plan.

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