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It was a clear day, the blue skies barely occupied by white fluffy clouds. However, the fighters in the tournament couldn't do much sightseeing and enjoying the view of the clear skies. No, they were in Chen's private blimp heading towards the site of their next challenge.

"What are you looking at, Zippy?" Jay jeered at Griffin.

"The next one out of the tournament." He said snapped back.

Jay chuckled, knowing that he was at a slight disadvantage. After their 'alliance' turned out to be a bust, he had broken his leg from being hit by Kai's picture on the wall.

"Why so scared to show us your back, Shadow?" Kai asked the Master of Shadows, "Worried we're gonna find a tattoo and know you're working for Chen?"

"I hope this next fight is between you and me because I'm gonna put you on your back." Shadow threatened.

"Tensions are high." Garmadon commented.

"Yeah, not as high as we are now." Lloyd said as he looked out the window, unconsciously rubbing the blue gemstone he had around his neck. Externally he was calm, but on the inside, he was terrified. For the past couple of days, Anirei hadn't visited him in his dreams, nor did she do the same thing to the others. The absence of her spirit calling out to the them made all the Ninja shake in fear and worry for their lost friend.

"Wow, what a view." A voice said next to Lloyd. He turned and saw Reanii sitting on her knees while looking out the window, "I can hardly see the island from up here."

"Ahh... I've had enough of this." Neuro said pacing back and forth across the room in a panic, "I can't stand heights. Where's Chen?" He opened up the door to the cockpit, but found that no one was driving the blimp. Just then, the man in question appeared on the screen near the controls.

"How do I know if this thing's on?" Chen asked looking closely at the camera, "Oh, oh, oh, I see, the light. Oh, oh, I'm on? Right now? Ahem, ahem. Hello, final eight. I see you are all eager for the tournament to commence so one of you can win my Staff of Elements. Instead of fighting for a Jade Blade, today you will be fighting for something different."

The screen's image changed to a view of the forest on the island below, and someone running around underneath the tree canopies. The camera zoomed in and showed Nya dressed in her Samurai X uniform.

"Nya." Kai said in surprise, seeing his sister running to remain hidden.

"You know her?" Skyler asked.

"It's my sister."

"We have an uninvited guest on the island."

"And she must be holding the proof that will stop Chen."

"Find her and you will automatically move on--"

"The spell that he plans to use when he takes our powers."

"To the final round!"

"He wants us all to hunt her down?" Jay asked in horror at the news, "She won't stand a chance."

"Then we have to find her before anyone else does." Lloyd said, he and the rest of the ninja pulling their hoods down in preparation to the commencement of the round.

"In ten seconds, the bottom will drop." Chen announced, "But to show you I'm not a bad man, I've given you eight parachutes."

Just then behind the group, eight parachutes fell from the ceiling, and at the same time, the bottom of the blimp began to open up. Everyone scrambled to get a parachute before they could fall to their doom.

"Sensei Garmadon is there?" Chen asked in feign surprise, "Shoot, that makes nine. Oh well, I was never good at math. Heh. Toodle-oo."

"That guy's love for trap doors is serious getting on my nerves!" Lloyd shouted as he lay on the floor with a parachute in hand. Eventually, the floor opened up completely and everyone began falling down through the air.

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