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After Misako agreed to come join the team of Ninja, it felt as if they would have a greater advantage against the prophecy to come. However, now that Garmadon had another target given to him, he was even more determined to fulfill his wishes to take Ninjago as his own. And Anirei could sense it.

She sat in the dojo, watching as Lloyd was training with the other Ninja, but her attention was elsewhere. The dream she had the previous night... it was so dark and terrifying. And the shadow was winning against the light. When Anirei checked her reflection that morning, the marks were spreading even further on her back, and the black strands of hair were disappearing slower than the last she had seen them.

The time for the final battle was coming closer, and the time for her to make a decision was coming just as quickly. And she was more terrified than ever.

"Rei? Rei?" Lloyd's voice cut her away from her thoughts. She looked up and saw Lloyd and the other Ninja surrounding her with worried expressions.

"Hey, kid, you okay?" Cole asked.

"We've been calling you for a while, but you were pretty zoned out." Kai added.

"Something on your mind?" Jay asked.

Anirei shook her head, "No, nothing. I was just thinking about random things. I supposed my mind wandered too far." She stood up and walked into the center of the room before taking a seat once again.

"Now, Lloyd, shall we begin your meditation?" She asked. Lloyd looked around at the other ninja, confused as to why Anirei didn't ask them to leave like she normally did.

"You're... okay with the others staying this time?" Lloyd hesitantly asked. Anirei smiled and gestured for everyone to gather around.

"Please, sit." She said, "Now that the final battle is growing closer, all ninja must be balanced. My meditations should help you became calm and balanced for the battles yet to come."

The Ninja were shocked, but they didn't hesitate to gather around the young girl and sit for meditation. Lloyd was smiling happily, glad to see that his friend was opening her teachings to the others. He had always felt calm and relaxed after their sessions, but he felt even stronger once he was balanced. It would be good for the Ninja to benefit from her sessions.

Anirei took in a deep breath, "Now, this type of meditation is not like many others. This meditation is about balancing your spirit as well as the body. It allows you to become better connected to your element."

"What does that mean?" Zane asked.

"Like people, no two spirits are alike. However, with Ninja, their spirits are connected to the energy around themselves, more specifically, the elements they hold within themselves. Start by taking a deep breath in, slow and easy."

The Ninja didn't hesitate to follow Anirei's words. 

"Focus on the taste in your mouth. Feel the gentle breeze on your skin. Take in close sounds. Take in far away sounds. Feel the warmth of the sun through the glass. Embrace he chill of the air. Feel the shocks of the energy piercing through your skin. Feel the ground beneath you. Take in your elemental power and feel it shift inside of you."

The Ninja felt calm as she spoke, taking in all of her words as they stilled their hearts and their spirits had been calm as well. And with that, they could feel as if their individual elements were surrounding them.

Jay could feel the static electricity piercing through his skin, but it didn't hurt. It felt like the shocks of a warm hug.

Zane could feel the cold breeze, gentle and calm, like the fresh first snowfall of winter.

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