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After successfully escaping Ninjago City, the Bounty landed on the edge of Ninjago, where the people would be safe until they could finally return home. However, there was soemthing wrong with the oceans off the coast. Sensei Wu, Zane and Anirei stood on the nearby rock formations, looking out at the sea where a dark cloud hung over the once crystal blue waters.

"Hmm, most peculiar." Zane said, "Yesterday there was just ocean, but now there is an island."

"The Dark Island, Zane." Sensei Wu clarified, "And what I find more peculiar is after Ninjago City was attacked by the Stone Army today they have vanished."

"Do you think they have returned to the Dark Island?" Anirei asked, "Lord Gamradon may have very well found the island."

"I fear that too." Sensei Wu said worriedly, "But what's most important, is we have to find out what is on that island."

Anirei held her pendant tightly, her fingers shaking in fear as she clutched the silver pendant.

"Is something the matter, Anirei?" Sensei Wu asked, noticing her shaking hands.

"I feel a great, unforgiving darkness from that island. I hate to admit it, but I have a great fear of that island. There is no light whatsoever. There is no balance." She admitted.

Zane smiled and placed his hand on the girl's shoulder, "Do not worry, Anirei, soon this darkness will be stopped, and balance shall reign again over Ninjago."

Anirei felt relaxed once more, it was only a little, but it was enough for her to feel secure.

"Perhaps my falcon can have a look on the island." Zane suggested, his black falcon flapping its wings before taking off towards the island.

Just then, Anirei's head began to feel heavy. As she leaned to her side, Zane caught her in his arms. She had yet to recover from her sudden fever the other day, but up until this point, she hid her sickness well.

"Perhaps we should get you back to the Bounty to rest for a while." Sensei Wu suggested while Anirei nodded without protest. When they walked back to the Bounty, everyone was arguing about their stranded ship.

"Ah, I hate feeling helpless." Kai groaned.

"We mustn't give up hope, Kai." Sensei Wu encouraged.

"But the Stone Army is indestructible." Lloyd pointed out, "You saw it. At best, all my powers could do was slow them down."

"That's not entirely true." Misako said walking up to the group on the sands below, "There is a way to defeat them. And it is told within the scrolls."

Everyone gathered on the Bounty's operation deck and surrounded Misako, who unrolled one of the scrolls to reveal new prophecy dug up from the older ages. It was a picture of the four Ninja sending their power to the Green Ninja shrouded in a brilliant light. And behind him, a great golden dragon.

"The prophecy states, that the power to defeat the Stone Army lies within the Green Ninja." Misako began to explain.

"I tried. I gave them everything I had." Lloyd said.

"Yes, but you are stronger than you think. Look." Misako gestured to the picture, "The true power of the Green Ninja can only be unlocked when his four Protectors find their own pure elemental powers."

"Are we the Protectors?" Cole asked while Jay scoffed.

"Pfft, silly question. Of course we are, ha, ha. Right?" Jay asked unsurely.

"If we are the Protectors, then we're doomed." Zane pointed out gently, "Our elemental Golden Weapons no longer exist. We cannot tap into our elemental powers without them."

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