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The Ninja continued to fight against the Preeminent, but failing to destroy it.

"I though you were gonna get closer." Nya said to her brother as he threw his weapon.

"You don't think I'm trying?!" Kai shouted back.

"It's too late." Sensei Wu said, "We have to get back to the ship and protect the people."

"But what about Lloyd and Anirei?" Jay asked.

"Ugh. This is what Lloyd and Anirei would've wanted." Misako grunted as she pushed away a large tentacle.

"To the ship, but we're not leaving anyone else behind!" Kai shouted and they all rushed as fast as they could, grabbing whoever was still left on the docks and leading them to the ship.

"That's all of them." Sensei Wu said leading the last of the people onto the ship, "We need to get to sea to put as much water between us as possible."

"No problem." Ronin cut the rope connecting the ship to the dock, but then backed away in fear as he saw Morro floating down toward him, "Well, maybe one problem."

Morro laughed sinisterly as he stood in front of Ronin. Kai tried to help Ronin by using his fire powers, but Morro blew him away with his wind.

"Go, get outta here! I got this." Ronin assured them, looking into the Sword of Sanctuary to see Morro's next move. Morro blew air at Ronin, but he dodged it just as quickly. Morro continued to blow large gusts of wind at Ronin until the thief was thrown to the ground. He slid back with the force of the wind being blown on him, sticking the sword into the wooden planks to stop himself. However, the wind was far too strong and he was blown away, leaving behind the sword for Morro to take.

Morro once again laughed and went to take the sword, but two people stood in his way.

"What? You again?" Morro gasped in shock seeing Lloyd, now wearing his father's robes, and Anirei with a glare in her eyes.

"Yeah, we're back." Lloyd said taking the sword from the ground.

"I believe you have something that belongs to us." Anirei added.

Morro looked down at the Realm Crystal and started attacking Anirei and Lloyd, but every time he couldn't land a single him on the two.

"Lloyd, now!" Anirei shouted, placing her hand on his. The two raised their joined hands and shot out a ball of silver and green light. The power hit Morro directly and shot him into one of the nearby houses.

"Yeah! Alright!  Way to go you two!" The Ninja all shouted from the ship, so proud of their friends. Sensei Wu was also proud of his nephew for wearing his father's robes. It was as if he was truly growing up to be a fine Ninja that his father would be most proud of.

Anirei turned to Ronin who came running up to them, "Ronin, go back to the ship and protect the people."

"Ninja, take out the stilts." Lloyd added to the orders, "We need to drop the Preeminent into the sea."

"Ugh! Why didn't we think of that earlier?" Jay groaned.

"That's why he's the leader and Anirei's his second in command." Cole said.

The Ninja used their Airjitzu to fly off the ship and get started on their orders while Anirei and Lloyd turned to face Morro once again.

"Shall we finally take care of him, Lloyd?"

"It would be my pleasure."

"You two think that you're better than me?" Morro said angrily, "No one is better than me!"

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