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High in the sky floating over Ninjago, was the newly formed Djinnjago, a land belonging to Nadakhan the Djinn. However, though it looked like a beautiful place to live in, Jay on the other hand was treated like a servant mopping the floor of the deck. From the moment that Jay and Anirei were brought to Djinnjago, the two were separated and Jay was strapped to a ball and chain, while Anirei was kept somewhere secret in the ship.

Jay was worried to death about his younger sister, but at the moment, he couldn't do anything except swab the deck and do whatever Nadakhan told him to do.

"Looks like you missed a spot." Nadakhan said as Jay continued to mop, then hit the bucket of dirty water, spilling everything on the deck for Jay to clean up once again.

Jay sighed, "I'm not gonna say it."

"Say what? That you can wish it all away? Or better yet, why not wish for your sister's freedom. You can. You've already made your first two wishes, you have one left."

"My friends will come for me, and if they can't save me, I'll make sure they get Anirei back at least."

"I hope so." Nadakhan smirked, "The more of you my Djinn Blade collects, the stronger I become. Creating a world from scratch takes a lot of hard work. Djinjago would get done a lot sooner if everyone pitches in. If you know what I mean. And I am sure that I can get that little silver haired child to make a few wishes."

"Ha! Good luck with that! Anirei's the most strong willed girl I've ever met." Jay said.

"Oh, not even when she has the chance to save her family and friends?" Nadakhan smiled and threw his blade at Jay's feet. The blade stuck into the wooden deck and from the green jewel echoed the screams of the other ninja that Nadakhan had captured.

"Care to say hello to your friends? Wish it. Wish it all away and join them. Wish it and you'll never have to pick up another scrubbing brush again."

Jay walked away from Nadakhan with a glare in his eye, "If I didn't have this vengestone ball and chain, I'd zap you clean off this ship and get back my little sister."

Nadakhna stared at Jay curiously, seeing his fiery temper amused him greatly.

"Hmm. I can see why she once liked you. You're stronger than you appear. But I know it's all an act. Deep down, you're scared. You know you're weak. You make jokes to mask that you're afraid. That's why you didn't do anything when she fell for your friend, why you can't do anything when she falls for me."

Jay thought for a moment, but didn't say a single word knowing that it would just make things more clear. Nadakhan knew his weaknesses, his fears, his worries and his regrets. And one of Jay's soft spots was his feelings towards Nya, a very fragile spot that could break in an instant when given the chance to crack. And if he were to make a wish here and now, what would happen to Anirei and the others once Nadakhan gained more power from him? Nothing good, and Jay knew that.

So, he stayed silent and continued to mop away the deck.

"Believe me, aboard my ship, you and that girl will break. I'll make sure of it. And when that time comes, I will be there, so you can wish it away."

"Still not gonna say it." Jay declared.

Nadakhan sighed, "When he's done swabbing the deck, make sure he swabs the entire hull."

Flintlocke's eyes widened at the mention of the hull, "The bottom of the ship, captain?" He questioned. Though he was skeptical about his orders, Flintlocke did as he was ordered and made sure that after Jay was finished with the deck, he would go down to the hull.

Which was not a very easy place to clean with heavy vengestone chained to your ankle. Nadakhan and Flintlocke watched in amusement as Jay struggled to scrub and hang onto the hull with everything he had. And being thousand of feet in the air, Jay wanted to hang on more than clean.

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