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Nya slowly opened her eyes, her vision still fuzzy from being knocked out cold.

"Nya, are you all right?" Garmadon asked by her side, in the same position as she was, chained to a pole in a room filled to the brim in skulls.

"Yes." Nya answered, "What--? What happened?"

"We have to get out of here." Garmadon said and the two struggled against their chains, but to no avail of breaking them.

"My pet loves the smell of fear." Clouse said as he, Chen and Skyler walked into the room.

"Where is my son and Anirei? What have you done with--"

"I have you son and the little girl." Chen answered Garmadon, "But Lloyd's power will become mine at the ceremony tonight. I'm sorry you didn't get an invite. I'm still a little hurt by my pupil deciding to betray me so long ago"

"But how did you defeat him?" Nya asked.

"Oh, I had a little help." Chen said, gesturing to the entrance and revealing Kai looking down with a sullen expression. Right behind him, was Anirei, no longer wearing her hooded cloak and facing the two with no emotion whatsoever.

Nya gasped in shock seeing her brother and the girl she looked to as a younger sister walking to Chen's side. She was even more horrified that Anireis' eyes were so blank and lifeless. As if she was a doll.

"And I didn't even have to get my hands dirty. Reanii here was more than willing to fight my battle for me. Lloyd didn't stand a chance fighting against the girl he cares about so much." Chen laughed.

"You pitted the ninja against themselves, just as you did the Elemental Masters!" Garmadon shouted, "And not only that, you decided to take someone so precious to my son and the Ninja and use her against them. You are a vile creature."

"Why, Kai?" Nya asked her brother almost in tears, "How could you do this?"

"Chen holds all the power and he has Anirei in his hand. Lloyd alone never stood a chance. I had to think what was best for us, and I wanted Anirei to be safe. He'll let you go if--"

"I'd rather be snake food!" Nya shouted in disgust of her brother.

Garmadon kicked his legs up and used his feet to drag Skyler over to him, keeping her in his hold.

"Untie us!" Garmadon demanded, but Chen and Clouse laughed at his attempt of negotiation.

"Or what?" Chen asked through his laughter, "You've changed, remember? You're Sensei Garmadon. You're a good guy. Threats don't frighten me."

Garmadon knew that he couldn't hurt Skyler, so with no other reason to hold her, he let her go free and pushed her towards Anirei, who quickly latched onto the red haired woman. Clouse smiled and gestured for the door behind them to open.

"My pet may be napping, but she's always hungry when she wakes up." He said.

"You had a good run, Garmadon." Chen smiled, "But all good things must come to an end."

Chen and Clouse cackled as they began to walk away.

"This isn't you, Kai. Don't do this." Nya shouted.

"Sorry, sis. This is the way it has to be." Kai answered, but then snuck in a wink and a smirk, showing them that he was only faking and that he had a plan in motion.

"Have a factory prepare a feast in honor of the ceremony, Clouse. I'm in the mood for noodles!" Chen ordered.

Kai grabbed Skyler by the shoulder and pulled her and Anirei away from Chen.

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