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Lloyd groans as he balances on one hand, holding the weight of his team and Anirei on his feet.

"Focus." Sensei Wu instructed, pouring a cup of tea as he and Anirei sat at the top of the makeshift tower, "In order to bear the fate of Ninjago on your shoulders... You must first learn to bear the weight of all of us."

"This is a test of balance, endurance, and strength. Tools of the body and mind you will need to have in order to face your father." Anirei added, taking a cup from Sensei Wu.

"Focus." Sensei Wu repeated, the others growing uneasy about the intense training they were putting the boy through.

"Uh, Sensei, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea." Jay commented.

"Yeah, Sensei, he's just a kid." Cole agreed.

"In order to him to succeed, we must all trust one another." Sensei Wu said.

"Yes, one is strong, but fighting alongside a team built on trust is invincible." Anirei added.

All of a sudden, everyone was knocked down by something smashing through the window. Nazira ran over to Anirei, helping her up as dust spread around the area.

"What was that?" Anirei asked. The Ninja and their Sensei stood up, looking back at the now destroyed wall and window to see several contractors staring at them confused.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Darreth shouted running into the dojo, "This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?" The head contractor repeated, "Let me see that order."

The man next to him passed him a contracting order, showing the date of demolition for not that day, but the next.

"Oh, yeah, my bad. Sorry 'bout that, we'll be back in the morning."

"Yes, I believe you should leave now." Anirei glared, Nazira growling at the contractors, "Before I report you for not only not doing a proper search for anything or anyone inside the building, but for also endangering the lives of several others inside. A few people being children."

Nazira shot a ball of fire at the contractors, who yelped and ran away with their equipment. Anirei sighed and walked over to Darreth, who seemed to be extremely worried and sad by the demolition.

"Darreth, do you care to explain a few things?" She asked.

"Yeah, Darreth, what's this all about?" Cole asked.

Darreth groaned and picked up one of his fake trophies, "Well, I fell behind on some of my payments, and some developer named Darnagom Enterprises is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee gold course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone."

"We already lost the Bounty. We can't lose the dojo now!" Jay said.

Anirei looked up at the sign with the company's name on it, her widened when she noticed something very strange about the name.

"Elder brother Zane." She called over the white ninja and pointed to the sign, "What is strange about that name?"

Zane looked up at the sign and noticed what Anirei did.

"I see it now. When you rearrange the letters, it spells..."

"O Grandma?" Jay questioned.

"No! Garmadon!" Kai corrected.

"Right, that would make more sense."

Lloyd looked down in shame, "My dad is behind this?" 

"If he destroys the dojo, where will we train Lloyd?"

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