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Special update people! I'm putting two episodes in one, because one: I'm impatient and that won't change. Two: I just really wanna get this season over with to start on the next! Enjoy!

The city of Djinnjago was coming along faster than anticipated, much to Nadakhan's satisfaction. Even more to his satisfaction was the retrieval of not only Nya, the woman he intended to marry, but also the child of the one who sealed him away in that lamp all those years ago.

Stomping down the halls, Doghshank, who returned from Tiger Widow's island not too long ago, approached a door to which several voices were groaning and shouting. The guards keeping everything in check looked up and saw that large woman stomping closer.

"There you two are." Dogshank said, "Nadakhan has a mission for you."

"Back so soon?"

"Did you give our respects to the Tiger Widow?" The guards joked.

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Now get out of here!" Dogshank shouted and the guards quickly took off. She went inside the room and closed the doors behind her, seeing the scene of Clancee and Doubloon trying to get Nya in a wedding dress while Anirei was chained to the wall with Vengestone, watching as her sister struggled to keep out of the dress.

Dogshank didn't hesitate to grab Nya by the head and lift her up.

"Hey, let my Elder Sister go right now!" Anirei shouted.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Miss No-Fun." Nya insulted as Dogshank squeezed Nya into the dress.

"Most women would be lucky to marry a man who can give them whatever they want." She pointed out.

"Well, we're not most girls, are we?" Nya questioned.

"I second that one!" Anirei shouted from her corner.

"And besides, what I want is to not marry him. But I don't suppose you'd help me with that."

Dogshank carried Nya over to the full length mirror, showing off how beautiful she looked in a... four-armed wedding gown.

"Oh, d-d-don't she look pretty in white?" Clancee stuttered.

"Pretty? I look hideous!" Nya exclaimed, "And what's with these four arms?"

"It was his mother's. We'll make alterations."

"If it means anything, Elder sister, white does look nice on you. But I would prefer it if you it were more slim, not so puffy, with an accent of ocean blue. That would look nice." Anirei smiled, imagining her sister on her wedding day with Jay one day.

"Not exactly helping the situation, Anirei. But thanks nonetheless." Nya answered. Just then, the blow dart that Jay had left with her and Anirei rolled out from underneath Nya's dress.

"A blow pipe?" Clancee observed as Doubloon held it up for them to see.

"And a dart filled with Tiger Widow poison." Dogshank added, "Real nasty stuff. I should know."

Doubloon went to touch the tip of the dart, "Careful, one drop of it is deadly." Doubloon was startled and almost dropped the blow pipe and dart.

"But to a Djinn, it'd slow him down long enough to do something stupid." Clancee said.

"Or to save all of Ninjago from a nasty fella like Nadakhan." Anirei chimed in.

"Please, don't tell him." Nya begged, "You have a choice. You don't have to do this."

"He'd blame us for ever letting it get this close."

"Clancee, get rid of it." Doubloon tossed Clancee the blow pipe, which he fumbled with for a bit but eventually caught it.

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