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Lloyd, Garmadon and Anirei were resting for the night within the twists and turns of Hiroshi's Labyrinth, as they had walked for many hours before the sun had set. But for Anirei, her rest was not so peaceful. Her eyes were tightly screwed together and she was fidgeting in her sleep due to the nightmare that plagued her mind.


It was dark, nothing but cold wrapped around her as she stood in that lonely place. Anirei looked around, calling for anyone that may hear her, but no one answered her desperate calls. She could hear someone laughing hysterically, and feel a cold chill running down her spine. Something terribly scaly and frail.

All of a sudden, she felt warm arms wrap around her from behind. Startled, Anirei turned around and saw Lloyd standing behind her with a kind smile. 

"Lloyd..." Anirei gasped, happy to see her old friend and hugged him again, gripping him tightly as he did the very same to her. Immediately the darkness began to fade, but their surroundings turned into New Ninjago City. But it was all in chaos. 

There was ice flying everywhere, the wind was blowing fiercely and the people were screaming as they were scrambling for shelter. Anirei looked up to see a creature with a scowl on his face. She could sense Lloyd's golden power coming from the creature, so Anirei had to believe that it was The Overlord. Ice was trapping the Overlord, being expelled by something that held onto the bone armor the Overlord was wearing.

Anirei didn't know what else to do. She let go of Lloyd and began running towards the Overlord, when Lloyd gripped her hand tightly.

"No, Rei, it's too dangerous to go there!" He shouted.

Anirei turned around and saw Lloyd's terrified expression as he tried to pull her away so they could run. 

"I can't just run away, Lloyd!" Anirei shouted, ripping her hand away from Lloyd's, "I have to help him!"

"He's overloading, there's no way you can help him when he's like this."

"I may not be able to save his body, but I can at least save his spirit. That's what's important. I can't let Elder Brother Zane die like this."

"I won't let you die here either!" Lloyd shouted, pulling her in his arms yet again, "I'm not going to risk losing you again! I can't let you go into danger like that again."

"Lloyd, let me go!" Anirei shouted, trying to release herself from his embrace, "I have to go save him! Without ice, there will not be balance. Will you truly abandon your brother for my life?!"

"I don't want to abandon him, but if you go, there's no telling if you'll come back either! None of us can lose anymore family!"

"Please, Lloyd! Let me go! I won't let anymore of my family die!"

"And I can't---"

A loud explosion drowned out what Lloyd was saying, but Anirei was crying knowing exactly what he was saying. The next thing she knew, she was covered in something cold and white and Lloyd was screaming her name in painful agony.


Anirei shot out from her sleep, panting and gasping for breath with sweat dripping from her brow. She looked around and found herself still in the jungle, laying next to Lloyd as he continued to sleep peacefully.

Slowly, still believing she was in that horrible nightmare, Anirei reached out her hand and gently stroked Lloyd's blonde hair. It was still soft, at least he kept up with his hygiene. Anirei smiled and sighed in relief, knowing that this was not a dream nor a nightmare. She pulled away her hand and stood up to walk about the darkness of the forest. 

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