Chapter 01

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Chapter 01

~ April 5, 2018 ~

One of the reasons why I'm worried about leaving my home country is because of the new school I'll be entering. A new school means a new environment, which means new people. A new school also means a new kind of curriculum.

Oh yeah, have I mentioned that schools in Malaysia start around January? Meaning, I'm late for a quarter in a semester. This is why I put in extra effort to catch up on the lessons I missed. This sucks. I just moved up from 10th grade and I started 11th grade immediately. Oh well, no break for me, I guess.

It's almost been a month since I started my classes here at Pulau Rintis School, and I must say, I'm impressed with the education system they have here. I'm currently in Year 11, which is called the senior high school back in the Philippines, and upper secondary education here.

So far, I'm starting to adjust well to the new environment. I already made friends with whom I go out to lunch with. There are times that I suffer from school works, because of how late I entered this term, but it's okay. I can manage. It's all for the dream, yeah?

I've always wanted to be an economist; I'm curious about how the production and distribution of wealth happen in a country. I also want to know more about the system of the production, buying, and selling of goods and services. Economics is general itself and there are varieties of options after taking that course; getting a job, taking up a Master's degree, or even go to law school. It sounds exciting yet scary at the same time, lol.

Currently, it's 5 PM and I'm hurrying up to get home by walking. My classes always end at 3 PM, but since I have to catch up for some missed classes, I have been going home at 5 PM ever since I started schooling here. Since it's Thursday and we have no classes tomorrow, I decided to stroll around the neighborhood for a bit, since I never got the chance to do that since I started school right after I arrived here.

As I walked around, I kept on looking at the sky. There are a lot of clouds today, I thought. Because of that, I didn't see what's in front of me which resulted in me bumping against a lamp post.

"Ouch!" I cried, realizing what just happened. I grunted because of my stupidity, then I just walked away. 5 minutes after that, I come across a huge stall, well, it was like a small shop with seats and a counter. There was signage that says Tok Aba and Boboiboy's Kokotiam.

I didn't know there was a cocoa shop near us? How come I never noticed? Oh yeah, because I was busy catching up with school since I entered late. Sighs. I walked towards the shop, seeing an old man fixing some things.

"Uhm, hi." I politely greeted. "Are you guys still open? I know it's kind of late, but I was thinking if I can order a drink." Hell yeah, my water bottled is already finished. I felt the need to have a refreshing drink.

The old man in front of me chuckled, "Of course. We're open until 9 PM. You're still early for closing time." I felt my cheeks going red, did he assume that I wanted it to close? Watch your words next time, Lia. Hay.

"G-great. Can I have a....." I stared at the menu in front. "Uhm... One special ice chocolate... Yeah, that's all. One special ice chocolate." I said as I got my wallet from my bag.

I paid him 10 RM, then he gestured me to sit down. Once I sat down, I took out my notebook that has all the reminders I needed for my requirements. I sighed in relief as I checked it, I have around 4 more pending to go. Ugh, better than 15, right?

"You know, I haven't seen you before." I heard the old man starting a conversation as I heard him using machines to prepare my order. "Are you new here?" I looked at him with a small smile, "Yeah. I actually moved here from the Philippines, around a month ago. I started schooling here as well right after moving in. This explains the reason why I'm still in my uniform, I just came from school."

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