Chapter 06

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Chapter 06

"Fang, I have to tell you something."

The two of them were at the park because Ying called Fang to meet up with her. Ying was really nervous; she was both stuttering and fidgeting. Fang was just calm, curious to hear what his friend is going to say. "What is it? And hey, are you okay?"

Ying just nodded, "Yeah, yeah.. Uhm, okay. What I'm going to tell you will be shocking. I hope you're prepared, because I am." She gave a big sigh, "I-I... I like you, Fang. I really do. Since middle school, u-uhm, even before that. When you were new to the team."

Fang widened his eyes, then he nodded. He knew this day was going to happen where Ying is going to confess to him. Her actions towards him gave him signs about the feelings for him.

"I kind of noticed it already." He started. "I really appreciate the feelings, Ying. But, I can't return them to you. I just see you as a friend, a good one."

And that's where she felt her whole world collapsing.

After the confrontation, Ying just left Fang alone at the bench. "I knew it." Tears were already in her eyes, but she tried not to let them out. Fang was really the mysterious type of person. He has a lot of secrets, that no one else knows but him. But when he and Ying became close, Ying got to know more what's beneath that mysterious personality.

And that caused her to have feelings for him. Unfortunately, he didn't feel the same. Oh well, at least they're still friends, right?

"Ying? Is that you?" Ying bumped into Adudu, which she was surprised. "Eh? It's you! Where have you been? The last time I saw you was like.. 2 years ago."

"Oh, just on a holiday. Say, why are you alone?"

Ying told Adudu about what happened between her and Fang, and to her surprised, Adudu replied by offering her to go at his place to take her mind off of it.

But what she didn't know was Adudu was planning to use her for something else. The alien created a mind control device that was able to make Ying serve him.


Ochobot was rushing back to Boboiboy's house, he was panicking because of what just happened. He barged in the house, surprising both Boboiboy and Fang.

"Oh, you're back." Boboiboy stood up from the couch, but he noticed something different. "Where's Lia? And where's Sonobot?"

Ochobot was panting, he was thinking on how to explain things to them. But all he said was, "She got kidnapped. Even Sonobot." The next thing happened was Ochobot explaining to the men, and both were surprised to know who was responsible for it.

"You're saying that Ying, our friend, was the one who attacked you guys?" Fang couldn't believe it. Ying may have anger issues, together with Yaya, but he knew that she wouldn't to that to the extent someone would get hurt.

"Yeah, and she was really different. Her voice is usually high-pitched right, earlier it was low." Ochobot replied. "Even Lia said it doesn't look like her doing it."

"I should've gone with her to you guys. Sonobot is new, and for sure, someone would have their eyes on that sphere." Boboiboy sighed in frustration. "We have to find them. The fact Ying wanted Sonobot meant she could do something with it. Worse, Lia could get hurt." Oh boy, he wanted to yell. He never felt this worried before when someone in their team got kidnapped.

All of a sudden, Yaya and Gopal arrived at the house. "You guys have to see this." Yaya used her power watch to project a hologram of Ying, who was just staring coldly. "Ying? Are you there?" Fang called out.

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