Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

A/N: This is quite a long chapter since it's more on a battle scene >__<

Adudu walked towards Tok Aba with an evil grin on his face, "Looks like I threatened them, huh? I do hope you'll be able to see your grandson again." He removed the material that was covering the old man's mouth.

Tok Aba whimpered, "W-What are you going to do to my grandson?!" Adudu winked at him, maintaining the grin on his face. "Oh, don't worry about that. I won't be touching you." As soon as the alien mentioned that, the door leading to the room opened.

A group of people entered, surprising Tok Aba. He spotted a familiar face, "No way... Andres?" Andres nodded with a straight face, "Hello to you too, Mr. Aba. I hope you don't mind being in this spaceship with us."

"What is all this... Dey, you're evil?!" Tok Aba exclaimed, not understanding what was happening. "Does Lia know all of this?!" His question made Krive'a chuckle, "You are way behind the events, huh?"

What made Tok Aba frightened is the appearance of Krive'a and Tristan. He didn't have an interaction with them back then, but he knew enough about them since they were involved with Retak'ka before. "Wait a second... weren't you two at prison?!"

Tristan rolled his eyes then shook his head, "I guess you have to get your facts straight." Krive'a smirked at the old man, "What's wrong? Scared? We won't hurt you. We just need to ask something from you, that's all."

"Where's Amato?" Andres instantly asked took Tok Aba aback. "I know that you have an idea on his whereabouts, you still talk to him after all." Tok Aba furrowed his eyebrows, "How do you know him? And why do you want to know?"

"We used to be best friends," Andres monotonously replied as he crossed his arms. "I don't think he broke that news to you but it's okay, there's no need. We're not friends anymore, but I am looking for him."

Tok Aba rolled his eyes, "I'm not telling you. I don't care what are your intentions on him but I'm not going to say a word about him." His remark pissed Krive'a off, "Why you-" Krive'a was about to hurt him but Andres raised his hand to stop her.

He didn't want to increase the damage that has been done. Besides, his plan didn't involve hurting Tok Aba, only his son, and grandson.

"If you're going to hurt me, at least think of Lia... She looks up to me as if I was her own granddad," Tok Aba told Andres, begging for his life. "And my grandson, Boboiboy. I'm the only one he has after Amato left us."

Andres maintained his composure, he then looked at the elder with no emotions on his face. "Well, I wasn't planning on hurting you anyways. But I do have a plan for the young lad you spoke about."

He turned to Adudu then gestured him to go to the monitor to do something. The alien obeyed his instructions and did what he was told to do which confused Tok Aba. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, you'll see," Andres replied then turned his back on Tok Aba to see what will Adudu do. The green alien used the console to send the coordinates to the 5 TAPOPS members who will be meeting up with them.

The 5 members were in Kaizo's spaceship as he was the one driving it along with Fang. The other three were just behind them, anxiously waiting for an update regarding the coordinates.

"I swear if Adudu was lying about the coordinates... I'll haunt him down." Boboiboy threatened with anger. Lia tries to soothe him by holding his hand and grazing her thumb back and forth. With Lia's gesture, Boboiboy sighed heavily.

"Captain, can't you track him down? Maybe he's in his spaceship or the Orangpina station?" Leizel asked while she headed to Kaizo who is currently driving the ship.

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