Chapter 63

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A/N: Please take note I have no idea yet how will Amato's attack moves be since I wrote this when Mechamato wasn't released yet. I based it on how I thought it would be.

Another one, this chapter is long. I hope you guys are ready for the events.

Thank you!

Chapter 63

Lia got up and saw Andres in his golden armor giving her an evil grin. She took some steps back, holding the area where he punched her, "You know, I'm the one who's not finished with you yet."

"And why is that, my daughter? Do you have any grudge against me?" His way of asking the question made her cringe, "Yeah, you're the reason why mom died."

Afterward, she cast the sonic scream that slightly plowed Andres further from her. It was loud to the point he started to cover his ears, distressed by the sound. She took it as an opportunity to strike him by summoning her hammer and charging at them.

With the sound wave generated from the weapon, Andres was thrown out of the elevated area once his body contacted the hammer. She followed him with a burst of flight then curled her fingers, "Sonic Blast!" Purple sound waves are cast toward him that crashed him to the ground.

Following his landing, Lia landed down with grace and a smirk on her face. But when Andres stood up as if nothing happened, she is taken aback, especially when he brought out a blaster weapon.

"Where did that come from?" She asked, dumbfounded at how did he pull out a blaster all of a sudden. He chuckled in return, "There are things you don't know, anak. How naïve! With that... you're grounded!"

He opens fire on her which made her gasp; she wasn't able to react to the sudden attack. Luckily, Amato swooped down with a mechanized shield that protected both of them. "MechaBot! I need the blaster!"

The armor was able to summon a blaster with MechaBot's help. Amato activated it that was able to blast Andres off. Sighing in relief, she faced Amato, "Thank you so much."

Amato smiled at her, "Don't sweat it. Now go after him!"

Andres' body is traveling across the area. Before even landing down, he got attacked by Fang swatting him, fused into a shadow eagle, Leizel's energy blast, and Boboiboy Supra's slashing him with his sword.

The man got blasted outside the fortress; his armor was damaged because of the energy blast and the power generated from Supra's sword. Once he got up, he now sees Boboiboy Supra, Lia, Fang, and Leizel heading toward him, much to his frustration.

"Let's see if you can take this! I commence this!" Andres slammed his hand on the ground, making it slightly shake, allowing one colossal gold golem to emerge from the ground, surprising the four of them.

However, Boboiboy is determined. He first reverts to his old form, diminishing Cyclone and Blaze who were fighting the guards. "We'll go back to the basics then," He raised his watch as the Earth symbol displayed. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Earthquake!"

After transforming into Earthquake, he smashed his fist on the ground that was able to generate his earth golem. All of a sudden, an idea came into Lia's mind, "I have an idea," She announced, making Earthquake look at her.

She then leaped while being surrounded by a magenta aura, and did a few spins before merging with Earthquake's earth golem, allowing it to have a magenta feature on it. Both Fang and Leizel are surprised at the sudden move.

"I present you, Sound Golem!"

Then, Andres' golem sets for them; one of its hands has a sharp blade on it as it was controlled to lunge it against the Sound Golem, but Earthquake was able to make his entity dodge it.

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